Monday, August 29, 2011



Bay Area United Against War Newsletter
Table of Contents:




Why Is Carlos Montes Being Targeted By the FBI?
And what does it have to do with Immigrant Rights and International Solidarity?

Wednesday, August 31st
7-9pm, Reception starting at 6:30
518 Valencia St. (& 16th St.)
This space IS wheelchair accessible

On May 17th, the SWAT Team of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department and members of the FBI raided the home of Carlos Montes, a long time Chicano activist and leader of the famous student walkouts in East LA against the Vietnam War. More recently, he has organized Southern California's Chicano community to speak out against war and empire, and is an active member of the Los Angeles Committee to Stop FBI Repression.

Carlos will discuss how to defend our right to political expression and to protect our communities from government targeting and surveillance.

Event Featuring:
Carlos Montes -- Speaking on his case and why he is currently being targeted by the FBI
Cinthya Munoz Ramos -- Immigrant Rights Organizer with Causa Justa :: Just Cause, speaking about current connections between policing and immigration
Nancy Hernandez -- Chicana activist who recently traveled to Gaza with #WaterWrites Project speaking about international solidarity and resistance.

There will be simultaneous translation into Spanish at this event.

This event is sponsored by:
Bay Area Committee to Stop Political Repression, Black Alliance for Just Immigration, Causa Justa:Just Cause, Center for Political Education, San Francisco Immigrant Rights Defense Committee, Xicana Moratorium Coalition

Committee participants and other endorsing organizations:
Arab Resource and Organizing Center, BAYAN-USA Northern California, Collision Course, Critical Resistance, Free Palestine Movement, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network - Bay Area, International Solidarity Movement - NorCal, Malcom X Grassroots Movement, Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA), National Lawyers Guild, US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) - Northern California Chapter, Freedom Socialist Party, International Action Center - SF Branch, International Socialist Organization, Workers World Party - SF Branch, World Can't Wait SF Bay, Bill of Rights Defense Committee, Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal, La Raza Centro Legal, Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM), San Francisco Bay Area General Membership Branch of the Industrial Workers of the World (SFBA GMB IWW), San Francisco Women in Black, School of Unity & Liberation (SOUL), Socialist Action, United National Antiwar Committee (UNAC), The United People of Color Caucus (TUPOCC) of the National Lawyers Guild, Watsonville Brown Berets

Contact: AROC at 415-861-7444 for more information, or email

¿Por qué esta siendo atacado Carlos Montes por el FBI?

Miércoles, 31 de agosto
7-9pm, recepción a las 6:30
518 Valencia St. (y 16 St.)
Este espacio es accesible por silla de rueda

El 17 de mayo, el equipo SWAT del Departamento del Sheriff de Los Angeles y miembros del FBI allanaron la casa de Carlos Montes, un activista chicano desde muchos años y líder de los paros estudiantiles famosos en el Este de Los Ángeles contra la guerra de Vietnam. Más recientemente, ha organizado politicamente en la comunidad Chicana en el sur de California para hablar en contra de la guerra y el imperio, y es un miembro activo del Comité de Los Angeles Contra la Represión del FBI. Carlos hablará sobre cómo defender nuestro derecho a la expresión política y proteger a nuestras comunidades de la represión del gobierno y de vigilancia.

Estaremos acompañados por otros activistas que hablarán sobre la represión actual de las comunidades árabes y musulmanes y las redadas en las comunidades de indocumentados e inmigrantes.

Habrá traducción simultánea al español en este evento.


Commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Attica Prison Uprising
Friday, September 9th - 7pm Sharp
518 Valencia Street - San Francisco
Attica - The Restored 1974 Film

Discussion with:
Azadeh Zohrabi - Hastings Race & Poverty Law Journal
Dennis Cunningham - Original Attica Attorney
Manuel Fontaine - about connecting the dots to
Georgia, Ohio and California prison strikes

Prison unrest in the United States hit a boiling point on September 9, 1971, when inmates at Attica State Prison after months of protesting inhumane living conditions rebelled, seizing part of the prison and taking 35 hostages. The uprising was met with a military attack and the murder of 43 people after NY State troopers assaulted the prisoners. Attica - released 3 years later - is an investigation of the rebellion and its aftermath, piecing together documentary footage of the occupation and ensuing assault. Especially significant today as prisoners from Georgia, Ohio, California and other states fight for their human rights in the face of increased imprisonment and the brutality and torture of long-term solitary confinement.

$10 Donation - $5 youth - No one turned away
Sponsored by the Freedom Archives & the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977


Palestine Is Coming to the U.N.!
Rally, Thursday, September 15, 5 pm: Gather at Times Square
6 pm: March to Grand Central and then over to the U.N. to demand:

Palestine: Sovereignty Now!

Palestine: Enforce the Right of Return!

Palestine: Full Equality for All!

5 pm: Gather at Times Square

6 pm: March to Grand Central and then over to the U.N., as we say:

End All U.S. Aid to Israel!

End the Occupation!

Support Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions!

For more information, email

Sponsored by the Palestine U.N. Solidarity Coalition


Protest, March & Die-In on 10th Anniversary of Afghanistan War
Friday, Oct. 7, 2011, 4:30-6:30pm
New Federal Building, 7th & Mission Sts, SF

End All the Wars & Occupations-Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Libya, Haiti . . .
Money for Jobs, Healthcare & Schools-Not for the Pentagon

Friday, October 7, 2011 will be the exact 10th anniversary of the U.S./NATO war on the people of Afghanistan. Hundreds of thousands of Afghani people have been killed, wounded and displaced, and thousands of U.S. and NATO forces killed and wounded. The war costs more than $126 billion per year at a time when social programs are being slashed.

The true and brutal character of the U.S. strategy to "win hearts and minds" of the Afghani population was described by a Marine officer, quoted in a recent ANSWER Coalition statement:

"You can't just convince them [Afghani people] through projects and goodwill," another Marine officer said. "You have to show up at their door with two companies of Marines and start killing people. That's how you start convincing them." (To read the entire ANSWER statement, click here)

Mark your calendar now and help organize for the October 7 march and die-in in downtown San Francisco. There are several things you can do:

1. Reply to this email to endorse the protest and die-in.
2. Spread the word and help organize in your community, union, workplace and campus.
3. Make a donation to help with organizing expenses.

Only the people can stop the war!

A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
2969 Mission St.


(Please forward widely)
Save the dates of October 6, 15 to protest wars; and May 15-22, 2012--Northern California UNAC will be discussing plans for solidarity actions around the Chicago G-8 here.

United National Antiwar Committee or UNAC at P.O. Box 123, Delmar, NY 12054


On June 22, the White House defied the majority of Americans who want an end to the war in Afghanistan. Instead of announcing the immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops, contractors, bases, and war dollars, Obama committed to removing only one twentieth of the US forces on the ground in Afghanistan over the next eight months. Another 23,000 will supposedly be withdrawn just in time to influence the 2012 elections. Even if the President follows thru on this plan, nearly 170,000 US soldiers and contractors will remain in Afghanistan. All veterans and soldiers will be raising the question, "Who will be the last U.S. combatant to die in Afghanistan?"

In truth, the President's plan is not a plan to end the war in Afghanistan. It was, instead, an announcement that the U.S. was changing strategy. As the New York Times reported, the US will be replacing the "counterinsurgency strategy" adopted 18 months ago with the kind of campaign of drone attacks, assassinations, and covert actions that the US has employed in Pakistan.

At a meeting of the United National Antiwar Committee's National Coordinating Committee, held in NYC on June 18, representatives of 47 groups voted to endorse the nonviolent civil resistance activities beginning on October 6 in Washington, D.C. and to call for nationally coordinated local actions on October 15 to protest the tenth anniversary of the US war in Afghanistan. UNAC urges activists in as many cities as possible to hold marches, picket lines, teach-ins, and other events to say:

· Withdraw ALL US/NATO Military Forces, Contractors, and Bases out of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya NOW!
· End drone attacks on defenseless populations in Pakistan and Yemen!
· End US Aid to Israel! Hands Off Iran!
· Bring Our War Dollars Home Now! Money for Jobs and Education, Not for War and Incarceration!

Note these dates of upcoming significant events:
· November 11-13 UNAC National Conference - a gathering of all movement activists to learn, share, plan future actions.
· May 15-22, 2012 International Protest Actions against war criminals attending NATO meeting and G-8 summit in Chicago.

Challenge the NATO War Makers in Chicago May 15-22, 2012
NATO and the G8 are coming to Chicago - so are we!

The White House has just announced that the U.S. will host a major international meeting of NATO, the US-commanded and financed 28-nation military alliance, in Chicago from May 15 to May 22, 2012. It was further announced that at the same time and place, there will be a summit of the G-8 world powers. The meetings are expected to draw heads of state, generals and countless others.

At a day-long meeting in New York City on Saturday, June 18, the United National Antiwar Committee's national coordinating committee of 69 participants, representing, 47 organizations, unanimously passed a resolution to call for action at the upcoming NATO meeting.

UNAC is determined to mount a massive united outpouring in Chicago during the NATO gathering to put forth demands opposing endless wars and calling for billions spent on war and destruction be spent instead on people's needs for jobs, health care, housing and education.


Whereas, the U.S. is the major and pre-eminent military, economic and political power behind NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and

Whereas, the U.S. will be hosting a major NATO gathering in the spring of 2012, and

Whereas, U.S. and NATO-allied forces are actively engaged in the monstrous wars, occupations and military attacks on Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, the Middle East and elsewhere,

Be it resolved that:

1) UNAC, in conjunction with a broad range of groups and organizations that share general agreement with the major demands adopted at our 2010 Albany, NY national conference, initiate a mass demonstration at the site of the NATO gathering, and

2) UNAC welcomes and encourages the participation of all groups interested in mobilizing against war and for social justice in planning a broad range of other NATO meeting protests including teach-ins, alternative conferences and activities organized on the basis of direct action/civil resistance, and

3) UNAC will seek to make the NATO conference the occasion for internationally coordinated protests, and

4) UNAC will convene a meeting of all of the above forces to discuss and prepare initial plans to begin work on this spring action.

Resolution passed unanimously by the National Coordinating Committee of UNAC on Saturday, June 18, 2011

click here to donate to UNAC:

Click here for the Facebook UNAC group.


[Some of these videos are embeded on the BAUAW website: or]


Immigrant Rights Atlanta July 2, 2011
Native American speaker at July 2, 2011 demonstration in front of the state capitol in Atlanta, Georgia, protesting against the state's new anti-immigrant law, HB 87.

The March:

La comunidad latina en Atlanta repudia la ley anti-inmigrante HB 87.


Cracked Fukushima: Radioactive steam escapes danger zone

Workers at Japan's Fukushima plant say the ground under the facility is cracking and radioactive steam is escaping through the cracks. The cooling system at the plant failed after the devastating tsunami hit Japan in March, sparking a nuclear crisis. But new evidence suggests that Fukushima reactors were doomed to cripple even before the massive wave reached them. RT's Anissa Naouai talks to Dr. Robert Jacobs, a Professor at the Hiroshima Peace Institute.
RT on Twitter:
RT on Facebook:


London Riots. (The BBC will never replay this. Send it out)


Protest which sparked Tottenham riot
Hours before the riot which swept the area demonstrators gather outside Tottenham Police Station in North London demanding "justice" for the killing of a 29-year-old man, Mark Duggan, who was shot dead by police.
By Alastair Good
August 7, 2011


Visualizing a Trillion: Just How Big That Number Is?
"1 million seconds is about 11.5 days, 1 billion seconds is about 32 years while a trillion seconds is equal to 32,000 years."
Digital Inspiration

How Much Is $1 Trillion?

Courtesy the credit crisis and big bailout packages, the figure "trillion" has suddenly become part of our everyday conversations. One trillion dollars, or 1 followed by 12 zeros, is lots of money but have you ever tried visualizing how big that number actually is?

For people who can visualize one million dollars, the comparison made on CNN should give you an idea about a trillion - "if you start spending a million dollars every single day since Jesus was born, you still wouldn't have spend a trillion dollars".

Another mathematician puts it like this: "1 million seconds is about 11.5 days, 1 billion seconds is about 32 years while a trillion seconds is equal to 32,000 years".

Now if the above comparisons weren't really helpful, check another illustration that compares the built of an average human being against a stack of $100 currency notes bundles.

A bundle of $100 notes is equivalent to $10,000 and that can easily fit in your pocket. 1 million dollars will probably fit inside a standard shopping bag while a billion dollars would occupy a small room of your house.

With this background in mind, 1 trillion (1,000,000,000,000) is 1000 times bigger than 1 billion and would therefore take up an entire football field - the man is still standing in the bottom-left corner. (See visuals -- including a video -- at website:


One World One Revolution -- MUST SEE VIDEO -- Powerful and

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty." Thomas Jefferson


Very reminiscent of

Pat Paulsen 1968


Japan: angry Fukushima citizens confront government (video)
Posted by Xeni Jardin on Monday, Jul 25th at 11:36am

The video above documents what I am told is a meeting between Fukushima residents and government officials from Tokyo, said to have taken place on 19 July 2011. The citizens are demanding their government evacuate people from a broader area around the Fukushima nuclear plant, because of ever-increasing fears about the still-spreading radiation. They are demanding that their government provide financial and logistical support to get out. In the video above, you can see that some participants actually brought samples of their children's urine to the meeting, and they demanded that the government test it for radioactivity.

When asked by one person at the meeting about citizens' right to live a healthy and radioactive-free life, Local Nuclear Emergency Response Team Director Akira Satoh replies "I don't know if they have that right."


Class Dismissed: How TV Frames the Working Class [Full Film]

Narrated by Ed Asner

Based on the book by Pepi Leistyna, Class Dismissed navigates the steady stream of narrow working class representations from American television's beginnings to today's sitcoms, reality shows, police dramas, and daytime talk shows.

Featuring interviews with media analysts and cultural historians, this documentary examines the patterns inherent in TV's disturbing depictions of working class people as either clowns or social deviants -- stereotypical portrayals that reinforce the myth of meritocracy.

Class Dismissed breaks important new ground in exploring the ways in which race, gender, and sexuality intersect with class, offering a more complex reading of television's often one-dimensional representations. The video also links television portrayals to negative cultural attitudes and public policies that directly affect the lives of working class people.

Featuring interviews with Stanley Aronowitz, (City University of New York); Nickel and Dimed author, Barbara Ehrenreich; Herman Gray (University of California-Santa Cruz); Robin Kelley (Columbia University); Pepi Leistyna (University of Massachusetts-Boston) and Michael Zweig (State University of New York-Stony Brook). Also with Arlene Davila, Susan Douglas, Bambi Haggins, Lisa Henderson, and Andrea Press.

Sections: Class Matters | The American Dream Machine | From the Margins to the Middle | Women Have Class | Class Clowns | No Class | Class Action


Let's torture the truth out of suicide bombers says new CIA chief Petraeus


Stop Police Brutality: Justice for Eric Radcliff

22 year old Eric Radcliff was shot and killed by police officers from the 35th district on the morning of Saturday May 21st, 2011. According to witnesses he was unarmed. The incident took place on the 5800 Block of Mascher Street in the 5th and Olney Section.

1. Open An Investigation Into the May 21st Shooting Death of 22 year old Eric Radcliff by officers of the Philadelphia Police Department's 35th District.
2. End Police Brutality! Serve and Protect, Not Disrespect and Victimize!
3. LETS GET OUR HOUSE IN ORDER. Let's Unite for Real Security and To Build a Better Future for Ourselves

Please come Join in UNITY AND LOVE! God is Good, We ARE winning!
215-954-2272 for more information
VIA Justice for Eric Radcliff


Stop Police Brutality: Justice for Albert Pernell Jr.


Autopsy Released in Police Shooting of Man Holding Nozzle
Douglas Zerby was shot 12 times, in the chest, arms and lower legs.
Watch Mary Beth McDade's report,0,2471345.story



Kim Ives & Dan Coughlin on WikiLeaks Cables that Reveal "Secret History" of U.S. Bullying in Haiti


Operation Empire State Rebellion


20 Facts About U.S. Inequality that Everyone Should Know
Click an image to learn more about a fact!


Licensed to Kill Video

Gundersen Gives Testimony to NRC ACRS from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.


Guy on wheelchair taken down by officers


Paradise Gray Speaks At Jordan Miles Emergency Rally 05/06/2011

Police Reassigned While CAPA Student's Beatdown Investigated

Pittsburgh Student Claims Police Brutality; Shows Hospital Photos

Justice For Jordan Miles
By jasiri x

Monday, May 9, 2011 at 3:22 pm

Even though Pittsburgh Police beat Jordan Miles until he looked like this: (Photo at website)

And even though Jordan Miles, an honor student who plays the viola, broke no laws and committed no crimes, the Federal Government decided not to prosecute the 3 undercover Pittsburgh Police officers who savagely beat him.

To add insult to injury, Pittsburgh's Mayor and Police Chief immediately reinstated the 3 officers without so much as a apology. An outraged Pittsburgh community called for an emergency protest to pressure the local District Attorney to prosecute these officers to the fullest extent of the law.

Below is my good friend, and fellow One Hood founding member Paradise Gray (also a founding member of the Blackwatch Movement and the legendary rap group X-Clan) passionately demanding Justice for Jordan Miles and speaking on the futility of a war of terror overseas while black men are terrorized in their own neighborhoods.

For more information on how you can help get Justice For Jordan Miles go to


Tier Systems Cripple Middle Class Dreams for Young Workers


Union Town by Tom Morello: The Nightwatchman



"He broke the law!" says Obama about Bradley Manning who has yet to even be charged, let alone, gone to trial and found guilty. How horrendous is it for the President to declare someone guilty before going to trial or being charged with a crime! Justice in the U.S.A.!

Obama on FREE BRADLEY MANNING protest... San Francisco, CA. April 21, 2011-Presidential remarks on interrupt/interaction/performance art happening at fundraiser. Logan Price queries Barack after org. FRESH JUICE PARTY political action.


Max Romeo - Socialism Is Love


Cuba: The Accidental Eden

[This is a stunningly beautiful portrait of the Cuban natural environment as it is today. However, several times throughout, the narrator tends to imply that if it werent for the U.S. embargo against Cuba, Cuba's natural environment would be destroyed by the influx of tourism, ergo, the embargo is saving nature. But the Cuban scientists and naturalists tell a slightly different story. But I don't want to spoil the delightfully surprising ending. It's a beautiful film of a beautiful country full of beautiful, articulate and well-educated]

Watch the full episode. See more Nature.


The Kill Team
How U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan murdered innocent civilians and mutilated their corpses - and how their officers failed to stop them. Plus: An exclusive look at the war crime photos censored by the Pentagon
Rolling Stone
March 27, 3011

Afghans respond to "Kill Team"


WikiLeaks Mirrors

Wikileaks is currently under heavy attack.

In order to make it impossible to ever fully remove Wikileaks from the Internet, you will find below a list of mirrors of Wikileaks website and CableGate pages.

Go to


Labor Beat: Labor Stands with Subpoenaed Activists Against FBI Raids and Grand Jury Investigation of antiwar and social justice activists.
"If trouble is not at your door. It's on it's way, or it just left."
"Investigate the Billionaires...Full investigation into Wall Street..." Jesse Sharkey, Vice President, Chicago Teachers Union


Domestic Espionage Alert - Houston PD to use surveillance drone in America!


Julian Assange: Why the world needs WikiLeaks


Coal Ash: One Valley's Tale


Flashmob: Cape Town Opera say NO


"Don't F*** With Our Activists" - Mobilizing Against FBI Raid





This is San Francisco, not Egypt.

Sign the Petition:

The petition reads:

"A government agency cannot shut down an entire cell phone communications network just because it is being used to express dissent. BART Police must be held accountable for their actions. Stop the heavy handed tactics that violate free speech rights in an attempt to quell dissent."

You don't lose your First Amendment rights when you decide to take public transit. But that's what happened last week when BART Police turned off for three hours the underground network that allows passengers to communicate by cell phone on trains and on underground station platforms.

The BART Police suspended cell phone service in order to silence dissent. It was the first time ever in the United States that a government agency shut down cell phone service in order to suppress a public protest.

"All over the world, people are using mobile devices to protest oppressive regimes, and governments are shutting down cell phone towers and the Internet to stop them," said Michael Risher of the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California. "It's outrageous that in San Francisco, BART is doing the same thing."1

Tell the BART Board of Directors: Stop the BART Police from suspending cell phone service and violating free speech rights.

A government agency cannot shut down an entire cell phone communications network just because it's being used to express dissent.

It's shocking that a transit agency would go rogue and shut down a cell phone network in a major U.S. city. The incident, not surprisingly has sparked outrage from local elected officials and civil liberties groups and garnered national and international attention.

In the light of pressure from elected officials and national and international news coverage, the elected board that governs the Bay Area Rapid Transit Authority cannot ignore this blatant and mass violation of civil rights. We must take advantage of this moment to pressure the BART Board of Directors to step in and take action to hold the BART Police accountable and stop them from suspending our First Amendment rights.

Tell the BART Board of Directors: The BART Police must be held accountable for their actions -- stop the heavy handed tactics that violate free speech rights in an attempt to quell dissent.

BART Police have been the center of controversy in recent years and have a history of cover ups in response to public outrage over its use of deadly force. Last week's cell phone disruption was aimed at disrupting protests of a fatal July 3 shooting of a knife-wielding homeless man.

Despite local, national and international outrage, BART officials haven't gotten the message yet. BART spokesman Linton Johnson said that the agency may cut cell phone service again in the future, explaining that riders "don't have the right to free speech inside the fare gates."2 It's up to the elected BART Board of Directors, who are accountable directly to the voters, to hold BART officials accountable.

Sign our petition and we will deliver your signatures to the elected members of the BART Board of Directors. And please share this petition with your Bay Area friends and family so they can take action, too.

1 BART admits halting cell service to stop protests, San Francisco Chronicle, August 13, 2011
2 Cell service stays on during BART protest in SF, San Francisco Chronicle, August 16, 2011


Statement by Angela Davis regarding Troy Davis

I urgently appeal to Georgia Governor Nathan Deal and to the members of the Georgia Board of Pardons and Parole - L. Gale Buckner , Robert E. Keller, James E. Donald, Albert Murray, and Terry Barnard - to spare the life of Troy Davis, a young African American citizen of your state.

I hope everyone within sight or sound of my words or my voice will likewise urgently call and fax Gov. Neal and the members of the Board. Under Georgia law, only they can stop the execution of Troy Davis.

First of all, there is very compelling evidence that Troy Davis may be innocent of the murder of Police Officer Mark MacPhail in 1989 in Savannah. The case against Davis has all but collapsed: seven of nine witnesses against him have recanted their testimony and said that they were pressured by police to lie; and nine other witnesses have implicated one of the remaining two as the actual killer. No weapon or physical evidence linking Davis to the murder was ever found. No jury has ever heard this new information, and four of the jurors who originally found him guilty have signed statements in support of Mr. Davis.

More importantly, the planned execution of a likely innocent young Black man in the state of Georgia has become a terrible blot on the status of the United States in the international community of nations. All modern industrial and democratic nations and 16 states within the United States have abolished capital punishment. The fact that the overwhelming majority of the men and women on death rows across the country are Black and other people of color, and are universally poor, severely undermines our country's standing in the eyes of the people of the world.

Most importantly, the execution of Troy Davis will contribute to an atmosphere of violence and racism and a devaluation of life itself within our country. If we can execute anyone, especially a man who may be innocent of any crime, it fosters disrespect for the law and life itself. This exacerbates every social problem at a time when the people of our country face some of the most difficult challenges regarding our economic security and future.

I urge everyone to join with me in urging Governor Neal and the Georgia Board of Pardons and Parole to stay the execution of Troy Davis and commute his death sentence. Give this young man a life, and an opportunity to prove his innocence.

Please, call or fax today. Stop the execution of Troy Davis!

Gov. Nathan Deal
Tel: (404)651-1776
Fax: (404)657-7332

Web contact form: web:

Georgia Board of Parsons and Parole
L. Gale Buckner
Robert E. Keller
James E. Donald
Albert Murray
Terry Barnard

Tel: (404) 656-5651
Fax: (404) 651-8502

Angela Y. Davis
July 14, 2011


Say No to Police Repression of NATO/G8 Protests

The CSFR Signs Letter to Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel

The CSFR is working with the United National Antiwar Committee and many other anti-war groups to organize mass rallies and protests on May 15 and May 19, 2012. We will protest the powerful and wealthy war-makers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Group of 8. Mobilize your groups, unions, and houses of worship. Bring your children, friends, and community. Demand jobs, healthcare, housing and education, not war!

Office of the Mayor
City of Chicago
To: Mayor Rahm Emanuel

We, the undersigned, demand that your administration grant us permits for protests on May 15 and 19, 2012, including appropriate rally gathering locations and march routes to the venue for the NATO/G8 summit taking place that week. We come to you because your administration has already spoken to us through Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy. He has threatened mass arrests and violence against protestors.

[Read the full text of the letter here:]

For the 10s of thousands of people from Chicago, around the country and across the world who will gather here to protest against NATO and the G8, we demand that the City of Chicago:

1. Grant us permits to rally and march to the NATO/G8 summit
2. Guarantee our civil liberties
3. Guarantee us there will be no spying, infiltration of organizations or other attacks by the FBI or partner law enforcement agencies.



Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee
PO Box 7488, Fargo, ND 58106


Supporter of Leak Suspect Is Called Before Grand Jury
June 15, 2011

A supporter of Pfc. Bradley E. Manning, who is accused of leaking hundreds of thousands of documents to WikiLeaks, was called before a federal grand jury in Alexandria, Va., on Wednesday, but he said he declined to answer any questions. The supporter, David M. House, a freelance computer scientist, said he invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, because he believes the Justice Department is "creating a climate of fear around WikiLeaks and the Bradley Manning support network." The grand jury inquiry is separate from the military prosecution of Private Manning and is believed to be exploring whether the WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, or others in the group violated the law by acquiring and publishing military and State Department documents.


Justice for Albert Woodfox and Herman Wallace: Decades of isolation in Louisiana state prisons must end
Take Action -- Sign Petition Here:

For nearly four decades, 64-year-old Albert Woodfox and 69-year-old Herman Wallace have been held in solitary confinement, mostly in the Louisiana State Penitentiary (known as Angola prison). Throughout their prolonged incarceration in Closed Cell Restriction (CCR) Albert Woodfox and Herman Wallace have endured very restrictive conditions including 23 hour cellular confinement. They have limited access to books, newspapers and TV and throughout the years of imprisonment they have been deprived of opportunities for mental stimulation and access to work and education. Social interaction has been restricted to occasional visits from friends and family and limited telephone calls.

Louisiana prison authorities have over the course of 39 years failed to provide a meaningful review of the men's continued isolation as they continue to rubberstamp the original decision to confine the men in CCR. Decades of solitary confinement have had a clear psychological effect on the men. Lawyers report that they are both suffering from serious health problems caused or exacerbated by their years of close confinement.

After being held together in the same prison for nearly 40 years, the men are now held in seperate institutions where they continue to be subjected to conditions that can only be described as cruel, inhuman and degrading.
Take action now to demand that Albert Woodfox and Herman Wallace be immediately removed from solitary confinement

Sign our petition which will be sent to the Governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, calling on him to:

* take immediate steps to remove Albert Woodfox and Herman Wallace from close confinement
* ensure that their treatment complies with the USA's obligations under international standards and the US Constitution.




Stop Coal Companies From Erasing Labor Union History


One year after Bradley's detainment, we need your support more than ever.

Dear Friends,

One year ago, on May 26, 2010, the U.S. government quietly arrested a humble young American intelligence analyst in Iraq and imprisoned him in a military camp in Kuwait. Over the coming weeks, the facts of the arrest and charges against this shy soldier would come to light. And across the world, people like you and I would step forward to help defend him.

Bradley Manning, now 23 years old, has never been to court but has already served a year in prison- including 10 months in conditions of confinement that were clear violation of the international conventions against torture. Bradley has been informally charged with releasing to the world documents that have revealed corruption by world leaders, widespread civilian deaths at the hands of U.S. forces, the true face of Guantanamo, an unvarnished view of the U.S.'s imperialistic foreign negotiations, and the murder of two employees of Reuters News Agency by American soldiers. These documents released by WikiLeaks have spurred democratic revolutions across the Arab world and have changed the face of journalism forever.

For his act of courage, Bradley Manning now faces life in prison-or even death.

But you can help save him-and we've already seen our collective power. Working together with concerned citizens around the world, the Bradley Manning Support Network has helped raise worldwide awareness about Manning's torturous confinement conditions. Through the collective actions of well over a half million people and scores of organizations, we successfully pressured the U.S. government to end the tortuous conditions of pre-trial confinement that Bradley was subjected to at the Marine Base at Quantico, Virginia. Today, Bradley is being treated humanely at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. T hanks to your support, Bradley is given leeway to interact with other pre-trial prisoners, read books, write letters, and even has a window in his cell.

Of course we didn't mount this campaign to just improve Bradley's conditions in jail. Our goal is to ensure that he can receive a fair and open trial. Our goal is to win Bradley's freedom so that he can be reunited with his family and fulfill his dream of going to college. Today, to commemorate Bradley's one year anniversary in prison, will you join me in making a donation to help support Bradley's defense?

We'll be facing incredible challenges in the coming months, and your tax-deductible donation today will help pay for Bradley's civilian legal counsel and the growing international grassroots campaign on his behalf. The U.S. government has already spent a year building its case against Bradley, and is now calling its witnesses to Virginia to testify before a grand jury.

What happens to Bradley may ripple through history - he is already considered by many to be the single most important person of his generation. Please show your commitment to Bradley and your support for whistle-blowers and the truth by making a donation today.

With your help, I hope we will come to remember May 26th as a day to commemorate all those who risk their lives and freedom to promote informed democracy - and as the birth of a movement that successfully defended one courageous whistle-blower against the full fury of the U.S. government.

Donate now:

In solidarity,

Jeff Paterson and Loraine Reitman,
On behalf of the Bradley Manning Support Network Steering Committee

P.S. After you have donated, please help us by forwarding this email to your closest friends. Ask them to stand with you to support Bradley Manning, and the rights of all whistleblowers.

View the new 90 second "I am Bradley Manning" video:

I am Bradley Manning

Courage to Resist
484 Lake Park Ave. #41
Oakland, CA 94610


Drop the Charges Against Carlos Montes, Stop the FBI Attack on the Chicano and Immigrant Rights Movement, and Stop FBI Repression of Anti-War Activists NOW!Call Off the Expanding Grand Jury Witchhunt and FBI Repression of Anti-War Activists NOW!

Cancel the Subpoenas! Cancel the Grand Juries!
Condemn the FBI Raids and Harassment of Chicano, Immigrant Rights, Anti-War and International Solidarity Activists!

Initiated by the Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Contact the Committee to Stop FBI Repression


Mumia Wins Decision Against Re-Imposition Of Death Sentence, But...
The Battle Is Still On To
The Labor Action Committee To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
PO Box 16222 • Oakland CA 94610


Abolish the Death Penalty Blog

Abolish the Death Penalty is a blog dedicated to...well, you know. The purpose of Abolish is to tell the personal stories of crime victims and their loved ones, people on death row and their loved ones and those activists who are working toward abolition. You may, from time to time, see news articles or press releases here, but that is not the primary mission of Abolish the Death Penalty. Our mission is to put a human face on the debate over capital punishment.
You can also follow death penalty news by reading our News page and by following us on Facebook and Twitter.

1 Million Tweets for Troy!

Take Action! Tweet for Troy!

When in doubt, don't execute!! Sign the petition for #TroyDavis!

Too much doubt! Stop the execution! #TroyDavis needs us!

No room for doubt! Stop the execution of #TroyDavis . Retweet, sign petition

Case not "ironclad", yet Georgiacould execute #TroyDavis ! Not on our watch! Petition:

No murder weapon. No physical evidence. Stop the execution! #TroyDavis petition:

7 out of 9 eyewitnesses recanted. No physical evidence. Stop the execution of Troy Davis #TroyDavis


Exonerated Death Row Survivors Urge Georgia to:
Stop the Execution of Troy Davis
Chairman James E. Donald
Georgia State Board of Pardons & Paroles
2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, SE
Suite 458, Balcony Level, East Tower
Atlanta, GA 30334
May 1, 2011

Dear Chairperson Donald and Members of the Board:

We, the undersigned, are alive today because some individual or small group of individuals decided that our insistent and persistent proclamations of innocence warranted one more look before we were sent to our death by execution. We are among the 138 individuals who have been legally exonerated and released from death rows in the United States since 1973. We are alive because a few thoughtful persons-attorneys, journalists, judges, jurists, etc.-had lingering doubts about our cases that caused them to say "stop" at a critical moment and halt the march to the execution chamber. When our innocence was ultimately revealed, when our lives were saved, and when our freedom was won, we thanked God and those individuals of conscience who took actions that allowed the truth to eventually come to light.

We are America's exonerated death row survivors. We are living proof that a system operated by human beings is capable of making an irreversible mistake. And while we have had our wrongful convictions overturned and have been freed from death row, we know that we are extremely fortunate to have been able to establish our innocence. We also know that many innocent people who have been executed or who face execution have not been so fortunate. Not all those with innocence claims have had access to the kinds of physical evidence, like DNA, that our courts accept as most reliable. However, we strongly believe that the examples of our cases are reason enough for those with power over life and death to choose life. We also believe that those in authority have a unique moral consideration when encountering individuals with cases where doubt still lingers about innocence or guilt.

One such case is the case of Troy Anthony Davis, whose 1991 conviction for killing Savannah police officer Mark MacPhail rested almost solely on witness testimony. We know that today, 20 years later, witness evidence is considered much less reliable than it was then. This has meant that, even though most of the witnesses who testified against him have now recanted, Troy Davis has been unable to convince the courts to overturn his conviction, or even his death sentence.

Troy Davis has been able to raise serious doubts about his guilt, however. Several witnesses testified at the evidentiary hearing last summer that they had been coerced by police into making false statements against Troy Davis. This courtroom testimony reinforced previous statements in sworn affidavits. Also at this hearing, one witness testified for the first time that he saw an alternative suspect, and not Troy Davis, commit the crime. We don't know if Troy Davis is in fact innocent, but, as people who were wrongfully sentenced to death (and in some cases scheduled for execution), we believe it is vitally important that no execution go forward when there are doubts about guilt. It is absolutely essential to ensuring that the innocent are not executed.

When you issued a temporary stay for Troy Davis in 2007, you stated that the Board "will not allow an execution to proceed in this State unless and until its members are convinced that there is no doubt as to the guilt of the accused." This standard is a welcome development, and we urge you to apply it again now. Doubts persist in the case of Troy Davis, and commuting his sentence will reassure the people of Georgia that you will never permit an innocent person to be put to death in their name.

Freddie Lee Pitts, an exonerated death row survivor who faced execution by the state of Florida for a crime he didn't commit, once said, "You can release an innocent man from prison, but you can't release him from the grave."

Thank you for considering our request.

Kirk Bloodsworth, Exonerated and freed from death row Maryland; Clarence Brandley, Exonerated and freed from death row in Texas; Dan Bright, Exonerated and freed from death row in Louisiana; Albert Burrell, Exonerated and freed from death row in Louisiana; Perry Cobb, Exonerated and freed from death row in Illinois; Gary Drinkard, Exonerated and freed from death row in Alabama; Nathson Fields, Exonerated and freed from death row in Illinois; Gary Gauger, Exonerated and freed from death row in Illinois; Michael Graham, Exonerated and freed from death row in Louisiana; Shujaa Graham, Exonerated and freed from death row in California; Paul House, Exonerated and freed from death row in Tennessee; Derrick Jamison, Exonerated and freed from death row in Ohio; Dale Johnston, Exonerated and freed from death row in Ohio; Ron Keine, Exonerated and freed from death row in New Mexico; Ron Kitchen, Exonerated and freed from death row in Illinois; Ray Krone, Exonerated and freed from death row in Arizona; Herman Lindsey, Exonerated and freed from death row in Florida; Juan Melendez, Exonerated and freed from death row in Florida; Randal Padgett, Exonerated and freed from death row in Alabama; Freddie Lee Pitts, Exonerated and freed from death row in Florida; Randy Steidl, Exonerated and freed from death row in Illinois; John Thompson, Exonerated and freed from death row in Louisiana; Delbert Tibbs, Exonerated and freed from death row in Florida; David Keaton, Exonerated and freed from death row in Florida; Greg Wilhoit, Exonerated and freed from death row in Oklahoma; Harold Wilson, Exonerated and freed from death row in Pennsylvania.
-Witness to Innocence, May 11, 2011


"A Fort Leavenworth mailing address has been released for Bradley Manning:

Bradley Manning 89289
830 Sabalu Road
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027

The receptionist at the military barracks confirmed that if someone sends Bradley Manning a letter to that address, it will be delivered to him."

This is also a Facebook event!/event.php?eid=207100509321891


Committee to Stop FBI Repression
to Fitzgerald, Holder and Obama

The Grand Jury is still on its witch hunt and the FBI is still
harassing activists. This must stop.
Please make these calls:
1. Call U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald at 312-353-5300 . Then dial 0
(zero) for operator and ask to leave a message with the Duty Clerk.
2. Call U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder 202-353-1555
3. Call President Obama at 202-456-1111

Suggested text: "My name is __________, I am from _______(city), in
______(state). I am calling _____ to demand he call off the Grand Jury
and stop FBI repression against the anti-war and Palestine solidarity
movements. I oppose U.S. government political repression and support
the right to free speech and the right to assembly of the 23 activists
subpoenaed. We will not be criminalized. Tell him to stop this
McCarthy-type witch hunt against international solidarity activists!"

If your call doesn't go through, try again later.

Update: 800 anti-war and international solidarity activists
participated in four regional conferences, in Chicago, IL; Oakland,
CA; Chapel Hill, NC and New York City to stop U.S. Attorney Patrick
Fitzgerald's Grand Jury repression.

Still, in the last few weeks, the FBI has continued to call and harass
anti-war organizers, repressing free speech and the right to organize.
However, all of their intimidation tactics are bringing a movement
closer together to stop war and demand peace.

We demand:
-- Call Off the Grand Jury Witch-hunt Against International Solidarity
-- Support Free Speech!
-- Support the Right to Organize!
-- Stop FBI Repression!
-- International Solidarity Is Not a Crime!
-- Stop the Criminalization of Arab and Muslim Communities!

Background: Fitzgerald ordered FBI raids on anti-war and solidarity
activists' homes and subpoenaed fourteen activists in Chicago,
Minneapolis, and Michigan on September 24, 2010. All 14 refused to
speak before the Grand Jury in October. Then, 9 more Palestine
solidarity activists, most Arab-Americans, were subpoenaed to appear
at the Grand Jury on January 25, 2011, launching renewed protests.
There are now 23 who assert their right to not participate in
Fitzgerald's witch-hunt.

The Grand Jury is a secret and closed inquisition, with no judge, and
no press. The U.S. Attorney controls the entire proceedings and hand
picks the jurors, and the solidarity activists are not allowed a
lawyer. Even the date when the Grand Jury ends is a secret.

So please make these calls to those in charge of the repression aimed
against anti-war leaders and the growing Palestine solidarity
Email us to let us know your results. Send to

**Please sign and circulate our 2011 petition at

In Struggle,
Tom Burke,
for the Committee to Stop FBI Repression

FFI: Visit or email or call
612-379-3585 .
Copyright (c) 2011 Committee to Stop FBI Repression, All rights

Our mailing address is:
Committee to Stop FBI Repression
PO Box 14183
Minneapolis, MN 55415


Call for EMERGENCY RESPONSE Action if Assange Indicted,

Dear Friends:

We write in haste, trying to reach as many of you as possible although the holiday break has begun.......This plan for an urgent "The Day After" demonstration is one we hope you and many, many more organizations will take up as your own, and mobilize for. World Can't Wait asks you to do all you can to spread it through list serves, Facebook, twitter, holiday gatherings.

Our proposal is very very simple, and you can use the following announcement to mobilize - or write your own....


An emergency public demonstration THE DAY AFTER any U.S. criminal indictment is announced against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Spread the word and call people to come out, across the whole range of movements and groups: anti-war, human rights, freedom of information/freedom of the press, peace, anti-torture, environmental, students and youth, radicals and revolutionaries, religious, civil liberties, teachers and educators, journalists, anti-imperialists, anti-censorship, anti-police state......

At the Federal Building in San Francisco, we'll form ourselves into a human chain "surrounding" the government that meets the Wikileaked truth with repression and wants to imprison and silence leakers, whistleblowers and truthtellers - when, in fact, these people are heroes. We'll say:


New Federal Building, 7th and Mission, San Francisco (nearest BART: Civic Center)
4:00-6:00 PM on The Day FOLLOWING U.S. indictment of Assange

Bring all your friends - signs and banners - bullhorns.

Those who dare at great risk to themselves to put the truth in the hands of the people - and others who might at this moment be thinking about doing more of this themselves -- need to see how much they are supported, and that despite harsh repression from the government and total spin by the mainstream media, the people do want the truth told.

Brad Manning's Christmas Eve statement was just released by his lawyer: "Pvt. Bradley Manning, the lone soldier who stands accused of stealing millions of pages secret US government documents and handing them over to secrets outlet WikiLeaks, wants his supporters to know that they've meant a lot to him. 'I greatly appreciate everyone's support and well wishes during this time,' he said in a Christmas Eve statement released by his lawyer...." Read more here:

Demonstrations defending Wikileaks and Assange, and Brad Manning, have already been flowering around the world. Make it happen here too.
Especially here . . .

To join into this action plan, or with questions, contact World Can't Wait or whichever organization or listserve you received this message from.

World Can't Wait, SF Bay



Write to Lynne Stewart at:

Lynne Stewart #53504 - 054
Unit 2N
Federal Medical Center, Carswell
P.O. Box 27137
Fort Worth, TEXAS 76127

Visiting Lynne:

Visiting is very liberal but first she has to get people on her visiting list; wait til she or the lawyers let you know. The visits are FRI, SAT, SUN AND MON for 4 hours and on weekends 8 to 3. Bring clear plastic change purse with lots of change to buy from the machines. Brief Kiss upon arrival and departure, no touching or holding during visit (!!) On visiting forms it may be required that you knew me before I came to prison. Not a problem for most of you.

Commissary Money:

Commissary Money is always welcome It is how Lynne pay for the phone and for email. Also for a lot that prison doesn't supply in terms of food and "sundries" (pens!) (A very big list that includes Raisins, Salad Dressing, ankle sox, mozzarella (definitely not from Antonys--more like a white cheddar, Sanitas Corn Chips but no Salsa, etc. To add money, you do this by using Western Union and a credit card by phone or you can send a USPO money order or Business or Govt Check. The negotiable instruments (PAPER!) need to be sent to Federal Bureau of Prisons, 53504-054, Lynne Stewart, PO Box 474701, Des Moines Iowa 50947-001 (Payable to Lynne Stewart, 53504-054) They hold the mo or checks for 15 days. Western Union costs $10 but is within 2 hours. If you mail, your return address must be on the envelope. Unnecessarily complicated? Of course, it's the BOP !)

The address of her Defense Committee is:

Lynne Stewart Defense Committee
1070 Dean Street
Brooklyn, New York 11216
For further information:
718-789-0558 or 917-853-9759

Please make a generous contribution to her defense.


In earnest support of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange:



Reasonable doubts about executing Kevin Cooper
Chronicle Editorial
Monday, December 13, 2010

Death penalty -- Kevin Cooper is Innocent! Help save his life from San Quentin's death row!

- From Amnesty International USA
17 December 2010
Click here to take action online:

To learn about recent Urgent Action successes and updates, go to

For a print-friendly version of this Urgent Action (PDF):


"Secret diplomacy is a necessary tool for a propertied minority, which is compelled to deceive the majority in order to subject it to its interests."..."Publishing State Secrets" By Leon Trotsky
Documents on Soviet Policy, Trotsky, iii, 2 p. 64
November 22, 1917


To understand how much a trillion dollars is, consider looking at it in terms of time:

A million seconds would be about eleven-and-one-half days; a billion seconds would be 31 years; and a trillion seconds would be 31,000 years!

From the novel "A Dark Tide," by Andrew Gross

Now think of it in terms of U.S. war dollars and bankster bailouts!


Courage to Resist needs your support

Please donate today:

"Soldiers sworn oath is to defend and support the Constitution. Bradley Manning has been defending and supporting our Constitution."
-Dan Ellsberg, Pentagon Papers whistle-blower

Jeff Paterson
Project Director, Courage to Resist
First US military service member to refuse to fight in Iraq
Please donate today.

P.S. I'm asking that you consider a contribution of $50 or more, or possibly becoming a sustainer at $15 a month. Of course, now is also a perfect time to make a end of year tax-deductible donation. Thanks again for your support!

Please click here to forward this to a friend who might
also be interested in supporting GI resisters.


Add your name! We stand with Bradley Manning.

"We stand for truth, for government transparency, and for an end to our tax-dollars funding endless occupation abroad... We stand with accused whistle-blower US Army Pfc. Bradley Manning."

Dear All,

The Bradley Manning Support Network and Courage to Resist are launching a new campaign, and we wanted to give you a chance to be among the first to add your name to this international effort. If you sign the letter online, we'll print out and mail two letters to Army officials on your behalf. With your permission, we may also use your name on the online petition and in upcoming media ads.

Read the complete public letter and add your name at:

Courage to Resist (
on behalf of the Bradley Manning Support Network (
484 Lake Park Ave #41, Oakland CA 94610


Committee to Stop FBI Repression
P.O. Box 14183
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Please make a donation today at (PayPal) on the right side of your screen. Also you can write to:
Committee to Stop FBI Repression
P.O. Box 14183
Minneapolis, MN 55414

This is a critical time for us to stand together, defend free speech, and defend those who help to organize for peace and justice, both at home and abroad!

Thank you for your generosity! Tom Burke


Short Video About Al-Awda's Work
The following link is to a short video which provides an overview of Al-Awda's work since the founding of our organization in 2000. This video was first shown on Saturday May 23, 2009 at the fundraising banquet of the 7th Annual Int'l Al-Awda Convention in Anaheim California. It was produced from footage collected over the past nine years.
Support Al-Awda, a Great Organization and Cause!

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, depends on your financial support to carry out its work.

To submit your tax-deductible donation to support our work, go to and follow the simple instructions.

Thank you for your generosity!


Support the troops who refuse to fight!


D. ARTICLES IN FULL (Unless otherwise noted)


1) Locked Up and Left Behind: New York's Prisoners and Hurricane Irene
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
August 26, 2011

2) Protesters start planning for Chicago G8, NATO summits
The Associated Press
August 26, 2011,0,4546168.story

3) Examining a Labor Hero's Death
August 26, 2011

4) NATO, EU To Give Stolen Libyan Financial Assets To Clients
August 25, 2011

5) Sweet and Lowdown
Crude Analysis of Libyan Liberation
August 25, 2011

6) Dash for profit in post-war Libya carve-up
By Jerome Taylor, Kevin Rawlinson, Laurie Martin and Charlotte Allen
Wednesday, 24 August 2011

7) Killing the Truth: Western Mainstream Media Complicit in NATO War Crimes in Libya
By Finian Cunningham
Global Research
August 24, 2011

8) The West Wants to take Control of Libya's Oil Wealth
By Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research
Press TV
August 27, 2011

9) An Evacuation of Low-Lying Areas by Yellow Cab, Bus and Wet Feet
August 27, 2011

10) Commission Raises N.Y. Judges' Pay 27% Over 3 Years
[Justice in the USA: The poor, of course, will have no lawyers since the Public Defenders budget has been slashed, but the judges? They're doing just fine!]
August 26, 2011

11) U.S. Offers Key Support to Canadian Pipeline
August 26, 2011

12) Did We Drop the Ball on Unemployment?
August 27, 2011

13) Japanese Island's Activists Resist Nuclear Industry's Allure
August 27, 2011

14) Give Karl Marx a Chance to Save the World Economy
By George Magnus
August 28, 2011

15) Why are UAW raises out of the question?
Automotive News
August 29, 2011

16) Race, Class, and Obama
"...and a staggering black jobless figure that is more than twice the rate for whites. According to "The State of America's Children," a 2011 report put out by the Children's Defense Fund, nearly 40 percent of black children in America lived in poverty in 2009."
By Clarence Lang
August 28, 2011

August 29, 2011

18) The Nation's Cruelest Immigration Law
New York Times Editorial
August 28, 2011

19) U.S. Tactics in Libya May Be a Model for Other Efforts
"Administration officials say that even though the NATO intervention in Libya, emphasizing airstrikes to protect civilians, cannot be applied uniformly in other hotspots like Syria, the conflict may, in some important ways, become a model for how the United States wields force in other countries where its interests are threatened."
August 28, 2011

20) Police Lineups Start to Face Fact: Eyes Can Lie
August 28, 2011


1) Locked Up and Left Behind: New York's Prisoners and Hurricane Irene
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
August 26, 2011

"We are not evacuating Rikers Island," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in a news conference this afternoon. Bloomberg annouced a host of extreme measures being taken by New York City in preparation for the arrival of Hurricane Irene, including a shutdown of the public transit system and the unprecedented mandatory evacuation of some 250,000 people from low-lying areas. But in response to a reporter's question, the mayor stated in no uncertain terms (and with more than a hint of annoyance) that one group of New Yorkers on vulnerable ground will be staying put.

New York City is surrounded by small islands and barrier beaches, and a glance at the city's evacuation map reveals all of them to be in Zone A (already under a mandatory evacuation order) or Zone B--all, that is, save one. Rikers Island, which lies in the waters between Queens and the Bronx, is not highlighted at all, meaning it is not to be evacuated under any circumstances.

According to the New York City Department of Corrections' own website, more than three-quarters of Rikers Island's 400 acres are built on landfill--which is generally thought to be more vulnerable to natural disasters. Its ten jails have a capacity of close to 17,000 inmates, and normally house at least 12,000, including juveniles and large numbers of prisoners with mental illness.

We were not able to reach anyone at the NYC DOC for comment--but the New York Times's City Room blog reported: "According to the city's Department of Correction, no hypothetical evacuation plan for the roughly 12,000 inmates that the facility may house on a given day even exists. Contingencies do exist for smaller-scale relocations from one facility to another."

For a warning of what can happen to prisoners in a hurricane we need only look back at Katrina, and the horrific conditions endured by inmates at Orleans Parish Prison in New Orleans. According to a report produced by the ACLU:

[A] culture of neglect was evident in the days before Katrina, when the sheriff declared that the prisoners would remain "where they belong," despite the mayor's decision to declare the city's first-ever mandatory evacuation. OPP even accepted prisoners, including juveniles as young as 10, from other facilities to ride out the storm.

As floodwaters rose in the OPP buildings, power was lost, and entire buildings were plunged into darkness. Deputies left their posts wholesale, leaving behind prisoners in locked cells, some standing in sewage-tainted water up to their chests ...

Prisoners went days without food, water and ventilation, and deputies admit that they received no emergency training and were entirely unaware of any evacuation plan. Even some prison guards were left locked in at their posts to fend for themselves, unable to provide assistance to prisoners in need.


2) Protesters start planning for Chicago G8, NATO summits
The Associated Press
August 26, 2011,0,4546168.story

When the White House announced next spring's G8 and NATO summits would be held in Chicago, city officials weren't the only ones who got busy: Activists opposed to everything from war to globalization began planning protests during the gathering of some of the world's most powerful leaders.

With nine months to go, dozens of groups will gather Sunday to organize what could be the largest demonstrations in Chicago in years. They say tens of thousands of people may converge for the May meetings between members of NATO and the Group of Eight - France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada, Russia and the United Kingdom and the U.S. The meetings will include discussions about the future of coalition operations in Afghanistan.

The summit will put Chicago in the international spotlight and, some say, test new Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his police force.

While some world summit protests have turned unruly and violent, the organizers of Sunday's event - retirees, gay rights activists, even the recycling manager at a local university - say they expect peaceful demonstrations and any trouble would come from provocateurs or police themselves.

"Our goal is a legal, permitted, family friendly march where people can come and have their voices heard in a safe environment," said Pat Hunt, of Chicago Area Code Pink and Chicago Area Peace Action.

John Russick, a curator at the Chicago Historical Society, said demonstrations have always been a part of Chicago history. Some weren't so peaceful, like the infamous 1968 Democratic National Convention, when police violently clashed with an estimated 10,000 protesters, and others were relatively problem-free, including those involving equal housing, gay rights and even the 1996 Democratic National Convention.

"One of the most interesting aspects of Chicago history is the dynamic of city politics and demonstrations; it's part of our culture and has been for long time," Russick said. "Chicago has strong commitment to civil liberties but also has a history of wanting to keep the peace. It will be interesting how these two things balance out when the G8 is here."

City officials said it's too early to talk about specifics, but they're committed to keeping the city safe while assuring protesters have a voice.

Emanuel told The Associated Press in a written statement that the summits are "a tremendous opportunity for Chicago to showcase itself to the world ... (and) a major responsibility that we take very seriously."

He said part of the city's planning effort includes ensuring First Amendment rights.

But Hunt said Chicago police in the recent past have tried to confine protests to free-speech "zones" and arrested peaceful demonstrators.

"We're pretty clear what the challenges are. We've been there, (though) certainly not on this scale," Hunt said. "So we'll get more bodies and ramp it up."

The planning starts Sunday, when representatives of more than 50 groups are scheduled to meet at the Chicago-Kent College of Law to vote on an organizational structure for a coalition, set goals and establish work groups with the goal of bringing in as many people as possible to protest policies they say promote war and poverty.

"We thought we needed to bring all the forces together nationally and internationally in Chicago to protest ... the twin heads of a lot of the problems in our society," said Ashley Smith, of the New York-based United National Antiwar Committee.

It's not unusual for activists to begin planning months ahead of big demonstrations, said UNAC co-coordinator Joe Lombardo, a retired state worker from New York who protested the G20 summit in Pittsburgh. But in Chicago "it's clear we're going to have a civil liberties fight" for permits and other issues, making it imperative to begin now, he said.

Part of their concern, organizers say, stems from the arrest of more than 900 demonstrators during a 2003 march to protest the war in Afghanistan. A federal judge ruled earlier this year that police acted "without justification," sending the case back to a lower court for trial. The city said marchers didn't have a permit and ignored orders to disperse, but the judge said the city had allowed he march to proceed without a permit.

What's more, Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy was quoted in published reports last month saying he was scouting staging areas for protesters during the summits, and the department was training its 13,000 officers to make mass arrests.

Those planning the world summit protests said they sent Emanuel a letter demanding the city grant them permits to rally and march, guarantee their civil liberties will be protected and promise law enforcement won't spy on or infiltrate their groups. Emanuel spokeswoman Jennifer Martinez said she didn't know if Emanuel received the letter or would respond, but she said it was too early to grant permits.

Activists said if there is any civil disobedience in Chicago, it will be peaceful.

"We will not be the ones to initiate or perpetrate any violence," said Smith, from the anti-war committee. "We will back off from any violence."


3) Examining a Labor Hero's Death
August 26, 2011

At Woodstock, Joan Baez sang a famous folk ballad celebrating Joe Hill, the itinerant miner, songwriter and union activist who was executed by a Utah firing squad in 1915. "I never died, said he" is the song's refrain.

Hill's status as a labor icon and the debate about his conviction certainly never died. And now a new biography makes the strongest case yet that Hill was wrongfully convicted of murdering a local grocer, the charge that led to his execution at age 36.

The book's author, William M. Adler, argues that Hill was a victim of authorities and a jury eager to deal a blow to his radical labor union, as well as his own desire to protect the identity of his sweetheart.

A Salt Lake City jury convicted Hill largely because of one piece of circumstantial evidence: he had suffered a gunshot wound to the chest on the same night - Jan. 10, 1914 - that the grocer and his son were killed. At the trial, prosecutors argued that he had been shot by the grocer's son, and Hill refused to offer any alternative explanation.

Mr. Adler uncovered a long-forgotten letter from Hill's sweetheart that said that he had been shot by a rival for her affections, undermining the prosecution's key assertion. The book, "The Man Who Never Died," also offers extensive evidence suggesting that an early suspect in the case, a violent career criminal, was the murderer.

Hill, who bounced around the West as a miner, longshoreman and union organizer, was the leading songwriter for the Industrial Workers of the World, also known as the Wobblies, a prominent union that was widely feared and deplored for its militant tactics. He penned dozens of songs that excoriated bosses and capitalism and wrote the well-known lyric "You'll get pie in the sky when you die."

His conviction was so controversial that President Woodrow Wilson twice wrote to Utah's governor to urge him to spare Hill's life, and unions as far away as Australia protested on his behalf.

After his death, Hill was immortalized in poetry and song, including the 1936 ballad embraced by Ms. Baez, Pete Seeger, Paul Robeson and others: "I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night."

In the letter found by Mr. Adler, Hill's sweetheart, Hilda Erickson, wrote that Hill had told her he had been shot by her former fiancé, Otto Appelquist - someone she had broken off with a week earlier and who had asked her "if I liked Joe better than him." In her letter, she added, "I heard Joe tease Otto once that he was going to take me away from him."

Historians say the letter is groundbreaking because it is apparently the first time anyone has stepped forward to explain exactly how and why Hill was shot. Neither Hill nor Ms. Erickson testified at his trial, although Hill did tell the doctor who treated his wound that a rival suitor had shot him.

The prosecution maintained that Hill had been shot by the grocer's son, even though the police never found any bullet cartridges or traces of blood, other than the victims', at the murder scene. Prosecutors used Hill's silence to persuade jurors that he must have murdered the grocer.

Ms. Erickson wrote the letter in 1949 to Aubrey Haan, a professor who was researching a book on Hill. The book was never published, and Mr. Adler found the letter in papers stored in the professor's daughter's attic.

"When I first read the letter, it was a 'holy cow' moment because all these years people wondered about what happened that night," Mr. Adler said in an interview.

In his book, which Bloomsbury will publish on Tuesday, Mr. Adler also lays out what historians say is highly incriminating new information about the person police originally suspected of the two murders, Frank Z. Wilson.

The police arrested Mr. Wilson the night of the murders after they found him walking without an overcoat near the grocery. They also found a bloody handkerchief on him.

Mr. Adler said Mr. Wilson had lied repeatedly to the authorities after they arrested him, but they soon released him for reasons that remain unclear. Mr. Adler also discovered that Mr. Wilson had used at least 16 aliases during his many arrests and convictions, several for robbing trains. He was later involved in the St. Valentine's Day Massacre in Chicago in 1929, with a getaway car registered under an alias he often used.

"His research is just incredible - it expands what we know in really dramatic ways," said John R. Sillito, co-author of a new book on radicalism in Utah and a retired archivist at Weber State University in Ogden. "It builds a strong case that Wilson should have been the prime suspect."

Hill declined to testify at his trial, standing on the principle that he should not have to prove his innocence, especially when he believed that the prosecution could not possibly prove he was guilty with the limited evidence it had.

Mr. Adler's book suggests that Hill also did not testify partly because he wanted to safeguard Ms. Erickson's privacy. She was in her early 20s at the time, the niece of the two Swedish brothers he was boarding with.

Rolf Hagglund, a grandnephew of Hill's who lives in Stockholm, has read galleys of the new book and welcomed its findings.

"From the start, people knew he was set up," Mr. Hagglund said in a telephone interview. "This book presents the strongest case so far that there was an alternative shooter and how Joe was shot and why he was shot." (Hill immigrated to the United States from Sweden in 1902, changing his name from the original, Joel Hagglund.)

But John Arling Morrison, a grandson of the murdered grocer, put little stock in Mr. Adler's findings. "Joe Hill was the one who murdered our grandfather and destroyed the economy of our family," said Mr. Morrison.

Mr. Adler, a Denver resident, decided to write about Hill after reading Bob Dylan's "Chronicles," which argued that the Hill case was a miscarriage of justice.

"Initially I saw the book as a murder mystery, and I saw myself in the role of gumshoe," Mr. Adler said. "I also wanted to explore how Hill went from being an anonymous worker to finding his voice as a songwriter to becoming a working-class hero to becoming, ultimately, a martyr."

Like many historians, Gibbs M. Smith, author of a Hill biography, said the trial was unfair. "Under today's laws of evidence, he never would have been convicted and executed," Mr. Smith said. Historians have observed that the judge unjustifiably ruled against Hill on evidentiary questions and that the prosecution coached witnesses to say they saw Hill near the grocery that night.

Some students of the case say one reason for Hill's silence may have been a belief that he could do more for labor's cause as a martyr than alive. At the time, the I.W.W. had fewer than 20,000 members, but it was detested by business leaders because it pushed miners, lumberjacks and railway workers to use strikes, slowdowns and sabotage to pressure employers to improve pay and conditions.

Shortly before his execution, Hill wrote supporters an emotional note, saying, "Don't waste time mourning, organize," which later became the union catchphrase, "Don't Mourn, Organize."


4) NATO, EU To Give Stolen Libyan Financial Assets To Clients
August 25, 2011

HeyU Quality Ads

European Union and NATO officials said on Tuesday they had started talks on funding the rebels with Libyan Government assets in overseas banks, but they also admitted it was too early to declare the Libyan Government has fallen.

NATO Col. Roland Lavoie said the Libyan army "gives no sign of giving up". He added NATO, which planes already have flown some 20,000 sorties over the Northern African country and still keep destructing it, will continue "targeting forces in Libya".

Also EU foreign-policy chief Catherine Ashton admitted NATO hasn't won its war against Libya yet, calling it therefore "very urgent" to give the overseas assets of the Libyan Central Bank, its sovereign wealth fund and other important entities to the Libyan rebels - especially now that NATO runs out of money for its war against Libya.

Germany is to begin funding the rebels with 100 million euros (140 million dollars) within days, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said, because otherwise "Libya will sink into chaos."

Westerwelle also called for the UN Security Council to pass a new resolution on Libya "as soon as possible", so that more stolen billions can be used fighting Libya and its people, therewith emphasizing the real reasons for NATO's war on Libya.

Under an accord agreed last month and signed Monday in rebel stronghold Benghazi, the tranche of the money stolen by Germany will be sent to the rebels' National Transitional Council.

Germany alone is holding Libyan Government assets worth 7.2 billion euros.

Meanwhile Austria also plans to ask the UN Libya sanctions committee shortly to allow the "unfreezing" of some of the Libyan Government funds on request of the rebels, a Vienna foreign ministry spokesman said.

With their announcements, the two countries joined France and the Netherlands, which have made similar statements in recent weeks.

France announced at the beginning of August that it would hand over $259 million in funds confiscated from the Libyan Government to the rebels.

The Netherlands last week said that they had released €100 million of stolen money for "humanitarian aid".

The US already gave $30 billion of Libyan Government money to the rebels in July.

Leaders from the EU, UN and Arab League will meet Friday on this topic in New York.


5) Sweet and Lowdown
Crude Analysis of Libyan Liberation
August 25, 2011

Another war for oil? Surely not! But just to be on the safe side, the world's oil barons are already moving in to seal some sweetheart deals on that sweet, sweet crude with the new, NATO-installed masters of Libya.

And guess what? It turns out that companies from the Western countries that eagerly rained tons of death-metal on the Libyan people are being given the inside track to the post-Gaddafi gusher. Meanwhile, countries that had urged caution in humanely intervening with thousands upon thousands of bombs, drones and missiles to, er, protect human life now face relegation to the outer darkness.

Libya's old colonial masters, Italy, are leading the way in the new scramble, even ere the Green Pimpernel has been found. They, along with other Western oil behemoths, are being welcomed with open arms by the peace-loving democratic rebels, who murdered their own chief military commander just a few weeks ago. But for intervention skeptics like Russia, China and Brazil, there may be "some political issues" in renewing old deals and inking new ones, say the new regime's oil honchos. NATO si, BRIC no.

But remember. This is not a war for oil. Oil has nothing to do with it. Of course, you can find cranks and crackpots like, say, Patrick Cockburn, who has only been doing frontline reporting in the region for decades, coming out with nonsense like this, in a recent piece about the "murderous rebels in Libya":

"The enthusiasm in some 30 foreign capitals to recognize the mysterious self-appointed group in Benghazi as the leaders of Libya is at this stage probably motivated primarily by expectations of commercial concessions and a carve-up of oilfields."

But what does he know? Especially compared to progressive, peace-loving, war-hating supporters of the war like Professor Juan Cole. As the professor himself tells us, he is someone "who has actually heard briefings in Europe from foreign ministries and officers of NATO members." I'll bet you haven't done that! Anyway, Cole assures us that the very idea of oil playing any part in this noble endeavor is "daft," because Libya was "already integrated with the international oil markets."

Well, loath as one is to quibble with a man who has actually heard briefings from NATO officers and all, even the New York Times notes that:

"Colonel Qaddafi proved to be a problematic partner for international oil companies, frequently raising fees and taxes and making other demands. A new government with close ties to NATO may be an easier partner for Western nations to deal with. Some experts say that given a free hand, oil companies could find considerably more oil in Libya than they were able to locate under the restrictions placed by the Qaddafi government."

Less regulation, fewer restrictions, sweeter deals, more oil, higher profits - no, there's nothing there to interest the oil companies. Or the governments they "influence" so persuasively - and pervasively. So it must be true, as Cole asserts, that this noble endeavor was no more and no less than a humanitarian intervention designed to safeguard human lives (with those thousands of bombs and missiles), protect the right of free assembly (or at least the right to mill around in one of those wired, barricaded, kettled, corralled "free speech zones" now so prevalent in the freedom-loving, liberating lands of the West), and uphold "a lawful world order."

Cole now looks forward to seeing Gaddafi and sons in the dock for war crimes, for, as he rightly notes: "deploying the military against non-combatants was a war crime, and doing so in a widespread and systematic way was a crime against humanity." Unless, of course, you quote "just war" theologians as you, say, conduct a widespread and systematic terror bombing campaign of defenseless villages in an allied nation with drone missiles, as Barack Obama has been doing in Pakistan from the moment he took office. But Cole "agree[s] with President Obama and his citation of Reinhold Niebuhr. You can't protect all victims of mass murder everywhere all the time. But where you can do some good, you should do it."

If only Gaddafi had thought to quote a man whose "influence has been acknowledged by such recent leaders of American foreign policy as Jimmy Carter, Madeleine Albright, Hillary Clinton, [and] John McCain"! Perhaps that would have absolved him from the other crimes Cole lays at his door: "bankrolling brutal dictators and helping foment ruinous wars." Certainly none of our Niebuhr-quoting leaders have ever done anything like that!

In any case, the deed is done and now, as the Times headline says, "The Scramble for Access to Libya's Oil Wealth Begins." But the latter is just incidental, of course - a spandrel, a happy accident, an unintentional by-product of a noble deed done by noble men for noble purposes.

Chris Floyd edits Empire Burlesque.


6) Dash for profit in post-war Libya carve-up
By Jerome Taylor, Kevin Rawlinson, Laurie Martin and Charlotte Allen
Wednesday, 24 August 2011

British businesses are scrambling to return to Libya in anticipation of the end to the country's civil war, but they are concerned that European and North American rivals are already stealing a march as a new race to turn a profit out of the war-torn nation begins.

Business leaders with previous experience of making deals in Libya have told The Independent that plans are in hand to send a trade mission to Benghazi to meet leaders of the Transitional National Council (TNC).

Lord Trefgarne, a Conservative peer and chair of the Libyan British Business Council, said he hoped to be able to lead a group to the country "by late September, early October". He said: "Any mission would be done in consultation with the TNC and would only be made if adequate security protections were in place. I believe we should be trying to make sure we can get whatever business we can."

After five months of fighting in the world's 12th-largest oil producer, industry figures are acutely aware that billions could be made in the coming years from rebuilding Libya. Immediate focus will fall on the country's oil fields that are currently producing a 10th of the 1.6 million barrels a day that were exported pre-revolution.

There is also intense lobbying for the multibillion-pound reconstruction contracts that are likely to be offered once fighting ends. The Independent conducted a straw poll of more than 20 Western companies with previous business commitments in Libya. None would talk publicly about its plans but many admitted privately that they were keen to return once security allowed.

"It is still too fluid a situation in Libya to be able to say exactly what we are doing," said one official at a company involved in reconstruction efforts in Iraq. "If business goes back to Libya, we will undoubtedly follow."

French and German officials have already begun trade negotiations with the TNC. Britain has a growing "diplomatic" mission within rebel-held Benghazi but no Trade and Investment officials on the ground, leading to concerns among some business leaders that Britain is failing to capitalise on helping the rebels secure regime change. "It's all politics, no commercial stuff," said one businessman with experience in Libya. "I think that's a mistake. We need to be getting down there as soon as possible."

In the years preceding February's revolution, British businesses played a key part in wooing Muammar Gaddafi - part of a wider campaign by Western intelligence agencies to roll back Libya's pariah status in exchange for investment opportunities and co-operation in the fight against violent Islamists.

Sir Mark Allen, a veteran Arabist and deputy head of MI6 who led negotiations with Colonel Gaddafi, was even hired by BP after his retirement to help to secure drilling rights. The oil giant is the only big British company to state publicly that it plans to return to Libya, but it has no technicians on the ground. The Italian energy giant ENI already has people working with rebels in eastern oil fields.

Although there were early concerns that the opposition forces might punish Britain for its previously favourable approaches to Colonel Gaddafi, TNC officials have indicated they will honour contracts made before the revolution.

Mike Pullen, a partner at DLA Piper and an adviser to the former regime, said there was still goodwill among opposition leaders because of the prominent role Britain had taken in Nato attacks on regime forces. "The TNC will want to deal with people they're used to dealing with, people they understand - and they understand the Brits."

Lord Trefgarne said he believed Britain would not be overshadowed by its competitors. "The success of the French and Italians inside Libya has been somewhat overstated," he said. "We've been dealing with competition from other countries all over the world for decades and I'm fully confident of our ability to do so in Libya."


7) Killing the Truth: Western Mainstream Media Complicit in NATO War Crimes in Libya
By Finian Cunningham
Global Research
August 24, 2011

Libya represents a new low in Western government war crimes - which is something of a disturbing record given the decades of war criminality by these governments.

In Libya, not only is there the criminal military assault on a sovereign country, the destruction of civilian infrastructure, the murder of women and children, and all the violation of international law that that entails - we now have the complete lobotomisation of language and normal meaning of words.

And in these crimes against law, humanity and morality, the Western mainstream media have played a disgraceful, vital role.

Over the past five months, as US, British, French and other NATO warplanes pounded Libya with 8,000 strike sorties involving extensive bombing raids, the world has in truth witnessed a concerted campaign of outright war crimes to bring down the government of Muammar Gaddafi. Thousands of civilians have been murdered in this blitzkrieg, which, it will be recalled, was orchestrated through the United Nations as an intervention to "protect civilians".

Whatever the grievances against Gaddafi may have been they cannot be compared with the destruction and slaughter that the NATO powers have inflicted.

How could such deformation of international law be achieved and made to appear normal, acceptable? It is in large part because the Western powers have deformed the normal meaning of language to go along with their criminal actions. This is propaganda taken to a new level where reasonable criticism is rendered nearly impossible because the framework of words has become unintelligible and therefore hardly answerable.

In previous imperialist interventions, for example Afghanistan and Iraq, Western powers at least used the word "war" to go along with their self-serving actions. In former Yugoslavia and Somalia, we at least heard the term "humanitarian war". Before that, we were told of Cold War, "war on communists, "war on drugs". Notwithstanding that these "wars" were but deceptive covers for imperialist control of resources.

However, in the case of Libya, the word "war" has been dropped altogether from all discourse about Western intervention. It's called a "responsibility to protect civilians lives". This disarticulated language and meaning is repeated even though the factual truth of what is happening is an exact conformation to the word "war". And not only "war" but "criminal war". The murder of civilians by NATO warplanes is a war crime in the normal framework of fact, truth, reality, law and morality. But in the abnormal, hideous framework of Western imperialist propaganda it is called "protecting civilians" and "supporting democracy".

"This is war in all but name," notes Michel Chossudovsky. "These are war crimes in all but name. And the Western mainstream media are complicit in these war crimes. The Western media have made absurdities acceptable through their non-reporting and distortion of crimes by NATO powers. If people can be made to believe absurdities, then they can be made to accept atrocities."

Libya can be seen as the pinnacle of Orwellian function - meaning the nadir in normal reasoning. In its relentless one-eyed coverage of Libya, the Western media has served as the ministry of disinformation for NATO.

For five months, the bombardment of Libya has been presented in the mainstream media as "responsibility to protect civilians". The fact that NATO has gone well beyond even the fake terms of its UN mandate to act as an air force to pave the way for a minor insurrection is not reported; the fact of civilian deaths caused by NATO warplanes is not reported; the fact that NATO special forces have led insurgents on the ground has not been reported; the fact that the Western governments have collaborated with the despotic Arab regimes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to dismantle a sovereign government and gain control of its huge oil reserves has not been reported

All the while, the Western mainstream media have collaborated with NATO powers to lobotomise truth, reality and normal language to conceal war crimes - the latest episode now being the "triumph in Tripoli".

By contrast, Global Research correspondent Mahdi Nazemroaya and Voltaire network Thierry Meyssan have endeavoured to report the facts and the truth of NATO's war on Libya. They have backed up their reportage with video footage of the aftermath of bombing raids in which civilians have been targeted and killed. As Nazemroaya said recently: "This has been a campaign of terror by NATO."

Yet, ludicrously, the Western media describe the latest [NATO-led] marauding of Tripoli by anti-Gaddafi insurgents as "a triumph" - as opposed to the simple fact that is a consequence of five months of NATO-imposed terror.

Unlike the Western mainstream media, including CNN and BBC, Global Research has told the truth about NATO actions in Libya. Now the personal safety of independent journalists is at serious risk. Their lives have been threatened. We fear that this is just the beginning of a wider descent into bloody chaos that will befall Libya now that NATO has pushed its agenda of regime change to another notch.

Disturbingly, NATO's illusion of "responsibility to protect" will be stretched to even further distortion in the coming months and years. As Libya's state of Western-imposed anarchy looks set to transmogrify into yet another quagmire of Afghanistan and Iraqi proportions, the NATO powers are already preparing to invoke their criminal mandate to "protect" with more boots on the ground, the use of death squads and relentless manipulation of political proxies.

If Western publics seem confused and perplexed by their governments' "wars without end" - the never-ending mayhem, body bags, dysfunctional administrations in far-off lands, terror blowback and budget-busting military costs - then one of the first things they should do is switch off the "ministry of disinformation". The Western media has shown itself now in Libya - more than ever - to be systematically complicit in an ongoing criminal war on the world by Western capitalist powers.

Finian Cunningham is a Global Research Correspondent based in Belfast, Ireland. He can be reached at


8) The West Wants to take Control of Libya's Oil Wealth
By Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research
Press TV
August 27, 2011

Interview with Michel Chossudovsky, Director of Centre for Research on Globalization.

While Libyan revolutionaries have not yet won the war in the oil-rich country, Western powers are already discussing the post-Gaddafi period on such issues as how the interim government there needs to honor its oil contracts.

In case of internal fighting in Libyan crisis, will the US and its coalition NATO allies deploy boots on the ground to protect their oil interests?

In a Press TV interview, Michel Chossudovsky, Director of Center for Research on Globalization, shed more light into the development. The following is a rush transcription of the interview:

Press TV: Western powers have said the international community will support the political transition to a free and democratic Libya: In what form will this "support" come? A "Western" democracy imposed on Libyans? What is that going to means for the Libyans? They used the same language when they attacked Afghanistan 10 years ago and Iraq 8 years ago. The US still insists it soldiers should have immunity in these countries. How will it be in Libya?

Chossudovsky: Well I think we have to understand both the nature of this military operation, the covert intelligence behind the rebels, as well as the extensive bombings of civilians infrastructure, residential areas, as well as schools, universities, hospitals which has taken place in the course of the last few months.

And particularly virtually continuous bombings, at night in Tripoli in the course of last few days. We are talking about 20,000 sorties, 8,000 strike sorties, In another words what has happened in the course of these last months, particularly in a last few weeks, is the destruction of an entire country, its infrastructure, institutions, very targeted, involving a lot of civilian casualties.

In other words, the Western "pro democracy" NATO supported rebels, as well as the NATO supported heads of states and heads of governments, they have blood on their hands, they have a lot of blood on their hands, because they have killed a lot of women and children.

Our correspondent has been reporting form the Rixos Hotel, just a few hours ago, he and several other Journalists, were extracted from the hotel, they were liberated from the Hotel, which they were held for several days, and they are safe now.

Chossudovsky. But I can tell you, my understanding is, first of all this is not a revolution. These are NATO trained gunman, and they are Al Qaeda related paramilitaries, mercenaries.

They have very little support within civil society in Libya. Whether we like the Gaddafi regime or not, I do not think that this is the issue. The large majority of the population are against the rebellion, and the only thing that sustains the rebellion, are the NATO bombings. And these are criminal bombings; let's say what they are. They are in derogation of international law, actions that are criminal in terms of their consequences: the killings of children, the killing of people in their own homes, and this has been well documented.

And what is criminal in this process, is the fact that this war is presented to the media as a humanitarian operation,

Realities are turned upside down. We are told, that war is peace, The lie becomes the truth, essentially that is what has happened.

Press TV: But the way this operation is going on Professor, many Western countries including France, they talked about the success of this operation and its knock off effect in the region. Doesn't that pose the threat of abuse of what is called RTP, the Right to Protect under humanitarian motives for their own gains, and in terms of RTP of other countries, such as Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia? If that is the way to go about it why don't they mention those countries? Why mentions only Syria, as French President Sarkozy said in his meeting with NTC?

Chossudovsky: Well you know, I have been studying dictatorship for more than 30 years, I've lived in Latin America.

The US has never been concerned with the actions of dictators. In fact it was the US which installed the dictators. As long as the dictators follow their orders, and establish a proxy state and serve US interests, they will continue their support..

That was the situation with the Pinochet regime in Chile, and that was the case in Argentina and Brazil, and in Central America.

Now we must understand the nature of this military operation in Libya.

The rebellion does not exist without NATO. Militarily and politically, it does not exist without NATO.

We must understand that NATO Special Forces are already operating within the rebellion, off course covertly, on the ground. They are experienced armed forces. There are also mercenaries and paramilitaries and gunman.

Were NATO to withdraw, the rebellion would not last very long. I think any military analyst would confirm that.

But now the more fundamental question which is being raised, and it has been raised in the US, and it is already on the drawing board of Pentagon and NATO is... are they going to have boots on the ground?

The boots on the ground are already there, the question is whether it is going to be official? The Apache helicopters are there, The Special Forces are there.

We have massive deployment of Naval Marines in the Mediterranean, particularly the USS George Bush Sr. aircraft carrier, which is sort of high tech, and it just been released, it has positioned itself in the Mediterranean.

And in case of ground war, then we would see allied forces landing on the beaches in Libya.

If you look at the scenarios, I don't think that the rebellions would last very long on its own.

It does not have military capabilities; it does not even have the institutional capabilities to create a real government.

So what is going to happen is... NATO Special Forces are going to remain, others are going to come in, perhaps not officially, boots on the ground, and eventually they are going to establish, as they did in Iraq in 2003, some kind of proxy Libyan government, with people whom they can trust, they might contemplate, modeling Libya, on the sheikhdoms, as in Saudi Arabia, or in the Persian Gulf states.

In any even, neo-colonial, re-conquest of not only Libya, but the whole continent of Africa is contemplated. This implies the militarization of the African Continent with AFRICOM [United States Africa Command]. This is an integral part of the agenda.

Press TV: Go ahead Professor.

Chossudovsky: Several years ago, I was asked the said... this was in regards to Iraq... they said Professor I was in public lecture, they said Professor we need that oil. Okay that is the Western positions, "We need that oil."

My answer to them is trade, don't steal it. That is what the Western oil companies are there for, they have already position themselves.

The Libyan Oil Company was a very important state entity, which was there to serve the Libyan people. It was used to finance economic development. It is slated to be taken over and privatised, handed it over to Total, which is the French Oil company and other Western oil companies.

What I said, when I was asked that question: "if you need oil, well, you should buy it on the market. And accept the fact that the large share of oil resources [reserves] are in Muslim countries, it is more that 60 percent, and it belong the people of those countries.

They can buy it from them; they do not need to invade countries and then steal the oil from them. And that is what is happening, it happened in Iraq, and now it is happening in Libya.

[Minor editing by Global Research]

click here for Video version


9) An Evacuation of Low-Lying Areas by Yellow Cab, Bus and Wet Feet
August 27, 2011

It was as if one huge new and very bad neighborhood appeared overnight in New York City.

Zone A.

This area, once housing sought-after properties with waterfront views, now deemed at risk of flooding, became blighted with red marks on a map - from Battery Park to Coney Island to Staten Island's south beaches - as Hurricane Irene approached with agonizingly slow menace.

Fleets of yellow cabs roamed the streets for evacuees. The wheels of suitcases crunched against pavements. Hammers pounded nails into plywood. Neighbors wished one another well with film-noir sardonic farewells: "See you later, if we survive."

Adding to the surreal feeling over the city on Saturday morning was the mass shutdown of the subways and buses and ferries. Get out and get where you need to be, city officials ordered from television screens and Twitter feeds. This city will stop moving very soon.

When the Home Depot on Staten Island ran out of sandbags, Larisa Brennar, 47, ducked under the boardwalk near her home with a shovel and made her own to line her basement before fleeing to Brooklyn.

There, in Red Hook, Roy Braeger, 47, was planning to drive to a friend's house in New Jersey with his dog, Ralphie. Exactly where that house was, he did not know as of Saturday morning. Anywhere but Zone A.

In Williamsburg, Will Knight, 35, stretched duct tape across his home's windows, the ubiquitous new look of the city. "I'm not really sure what this does," he said before leaving for Connecticut in a rented car.

And yet, many decided, against the urgings of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and the police, to ride it out. For the self-appointed job of mayor of Zone A, there were many candidates.

In Williamsburg, a nanny named Carolyn Gilliagam, 23, sat on a blanket with her 14-month-old charge, Theo Shering Verdesca. They were staying. Around the corner, on North Sixth Street, Laurent Wilson, 28, saw his mother and father to their car as they prepared to go to Boston. But not with him. "They think I'm crazy," he said, shrugging.

Northbound cars were thick on Cross Bay Boulevard as people left the Rockaway peninsula. Tim Tubridy, 60, a retired captain with the Fire Department, watched them go, with no intention of following. "It's a media event; that's all it is," he said. "Totally 21st-century hype."

The police patrolled Zone A. Firefighters boarded school buses and helped take the elderly to safe ground. Access-a-Ride vans lined the streets by the Ocean Bay Houses in Far Rockaway, Queens.

"We started knocking on everybody's door yesterday," said Byron Cave, deputy director for Queens Community Operations at the New York City Housing Authority, outside the 604-unit Redfern Houses. "We especially kept tabs on people with life support, oxygen tanks, people who are immobile."

Zone A was expected to be the first to go dark, if floods seem imminent, with Consolidated Edison announcing plans to pre-emptively cut power in low-lying areas to preserve sensitive equipment if the need arises. High-rises planned to shut off elevators.

In the newly hushed streets of Battery Park City, comparisons to Sept. 11, 2001, were inevitable, even if only to say, "This is nothing like 9/11," as Roberta Kahn, a nurse, did on Saturday. She had to leave for four months in 2001. Her plans to spend this weekend with an aunt in Queens seemed much less daunting.

Elsewhere, the poor boarded yellow buses to be driven to shelters. The moneyed set had more attractive options: the Tribeca Grand Hotel or the Waldorf-Astoria? But in the end, evacuating was evacuating.

"I'm scared of the water," said Maelys Evans, 5, clutching a shopping bag with her meager belongings. She and her family were headed for a hotel in Midtown Manhattan.

Even amid the air of unease that hung over Zone A, for many, preparing to leave quickly swerved toward mundane. In Red Hook, Audrey Reynolds, 27, packed a "go bag" with decidedly nonessential items, however valuable in sentiment. Five crates of vinyl records, a guitar and amplifier, her grandmother's jewelry - all were bound for a friend's third-story apartment across the street. Never mind that Ms. Reynolds and the friend both lived in Zone A.

On Staten Island, a parks officer told shovel-toting residents that no, taking sand from the beach to fill sandbags was not allowed. Home Depot sold out of sandbags before Saturday morning. Dom Brown bought his bags on Friday for $96. And then he promptly turned a handsome profit, making $1,800 by sandbagging nine houses. Nearby, residents took a last run along the boardwalk, perhaps wondering what the place would look like in a couple of days.

A thick fog rolled onto Staten Island early Saturday morning. Lana Zapisetsky stood with her husband, Nick, and their neighbors deep in Zone A, resigned to evacuating in the afternoon.

"We're going to our relatives in the hills of Staten Island," Ms. Zapisetsky, 41, said. "Hopefully, it's not going to be too bad. What else can we do?"

Her husband laughed as he walked into the house to pack. "Drink vodka," he said.

Patrick Moore, 48, a lawyer, carefully weighed leaving Battery Park. He realized that he and his wife's building would be locked and sandbagged. He also prepared to lose power. But he said he survived a Category 1 hurricane in the 1980s while staying in a small wooden house in Texas that was in the center of the storm. This time, he is on the 19th floor.

"We're not worried about flooding," he said. "I know it's scary, and I know it's going to be scary. It's a considered action."

A woman in the Rockaways who gave only her first name, Melissa, said she, too, planned to ride out the storm. "I think it's a plan from God," she told a friend, who had joined her on a bench in a courtyard at the Redfern Houses. "What's gonna happen is gonna happen."

Melissa had stocked up: "Tuna fish, bread, peanut butter and jelly, cold cuts," she said. "Candles," she went on. "I got it all." She was prepared to lose hot water. "I'm getting ready to get a big garbage can," she said, pointing to a Family Dollar store across the street, "fill it with water and put water in my tub and pots on the stove."

In Red Hook, three boys finished a game of handball on King Street before returning indoors. Cars rolled slowly past a bus stop on Dwight Street, which still bore a newly ominous advertisement from the spring: "Judgment Day, May 21, 2011."

Antonio Torres, 74, boarded up his lighting business on Richards Street. Mr. Torres said he wanted to be on site in case any immediate repairs had to be made. He lives on the second floor of the same building.

"This is my house," he said, noting that he did not have any relatives or friends to stay with outside of Zone A. "Where am I going to go?"


10) Commission Raises N.Y. Judges' Pay 27% Over 3 Years
[Justice in the USA: The poor, of course, will have no lawyers since the Public Defenders budget has been slashed, but the judges? They're doing just fine!]
August 26, 2011

A state commission decided on Friday to increase the pay of the more than 1,200 New York State judges by 27 percent over three years, ending a decade of battles in Albany and the courts, and giving judges their first raise in 12 years.

The seven-member commission, appointed by the leaders of all three branches of government, had been expected to grant a raise. Still, the amount it settled on was considered very modest - and some judges even expressed bitter disappointment.

The commission voted 4 to 3 to approve the increase, with its members sharply divided in a brief meeting in Lower Manhattan that included accusations of political grandstanding. The dissenters said the raises were too small.

Over years of legislative and legal struggles on the judicial-pay issue, New York's judges, once among the best paid nationally, slipped to being among the lowest paid.

The increase was small compared with some proposed ones that had called for judicial raises across the court system of as much as 60 percent.

The commission was created under a bill passed last year to try to resolve one of the most contentious and long-stalled issues in state government. "This is a start at correcting the injustice that has been done to New York State's judiciary over more than a decade of neglect," said the commission's chairman, William C. Thompson Jr., the former New York City comptroller.

But Mr. Thompson and other members of the commission also said that the fragile state economy required restraint. Under the commission's decision, the highest level of trial judges in the state, the justices of the State Supreme Court, would receive an increase to $174,000 from the current $136,700, phased in over three years. That would match the salary of United States District Court judges. The raises for all the judges would cost the state about $50 million a year when they are fully implemented.

The creation of the commission was an effort to minimize political fallout from what was likely to be an unpopular decision in a time of budget cutbacks.

The three commission members appointed by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo were joined in voting for the proposal by the appointee of the Assembly speaker, Sheldon Silver, who, like the governor, is a Democrat. The two appointees of the state's chief judge, Jonathan Lippman, opposed it as inadequate, as did the appointee of the leader of the State Senate, Dean G. Skelos, a Republican. The Cuomo administration had expressed concern about a large judicial pay raise, so it was not unexpected that the governor's appointees would limit the increase.

The raises will go into effect next spring unless they are overruled or modified by legislation passed by both houses of the Legislature and signed by the governor. Mr. Thompson said he hoped the size of the increase would dissuade the Legislature and the governor from seeking to overturn the decision, which he said would be "disastrous" for the judiciary.

The commission's decision would govern judicial pay for four years, after which time another commission would revisit the issue. The pay increase would apply to judges from low-level courts like New York City Civil Court and Criminal Court to the members of the state's highest court, the Court of Appeals.

The salary of Supreme Court justices had been viewed as a benchmark, with the commission agreeing to keep in place the relative differences in pay across a complex state court system with many pay levels.

The salary of judges in Criminal Court who earn $125,600, for example, would increase proportionally over the next three years, to $160,100. The salary of the chief judge of the state would go from $156,000 to $198,600.

Judges have argued that the pay stagnation forced some judges to leave the bench. On Friday, some judges said the decision would amplify dissatisfaction in the judiciary. "I think it's very demoralizing," said Judge Margaret Parisi McGowan of Queens Family Court.

Phillip R. Rumsey, president of the state association of Supreme Court justices, said the salary levels in New York "will continue to reflect the low regard that other branches of state government apparently have for the judiciary."

Judge Lippman said that he was disappointed that the raise was not larger and that it would be phased in over three years.

Judge Lippman was deeply involved in the plan to create the commission and said at the time that it was the "holy grail" to remove negotiations over judicial salaries from the political process. Asked Friday if the decision was a setback, Judge Lippman said the commission had been successful because it ended with a pay increase at a time of economic crisis.

"We live in the real world," he said. "We see what's happening in Washington and in our own state. We see what's happening in the stock market."

The commission had always appeared divided 3 to 3 over how generous an increase would be, with Mr. Silver's appointee, James Tallon Jr., a former Democratic member of the Assembly, holding the decisive seventh vote. The increase that was approved, Mr. Tallon said Friday, "balances all of the factors that are out there, including an economy that has tanked."

But in a switch of usual roles, in which Republicans criticize Democrats for spending, Mark S. Mulholland, Mr. Skelos's appointee, criticized Mr. Tallon.

Mr. Mulholland said the Republican-controlled Senate stood with the judges in seeking higher pay. He said that by bringing the salaries of State Supreme Court justices to $174,000 instead of $190,000 or higher, the state would be continuing what he called its neglect of the judiciary. He said he was "disappointed" that Mr. Tallon had "not seen fit to close ranks with me." One of Mr. Cuomo's appointees, Richard B. Cotton, criticized Mr. Mulholland, a Long Island lawyer, saying it was "highly unfortunate to inject scoring political points into this discussion."

Asked about the comments, Mr. Silver said he had not spoken to Mr. Tallon about his vote, adding that "an independent commission was created to take the decision away from the Legislature and away from political finger-pointing."


11) U.S. Offers Key Support to Canadian Pipeline
August 26, 2011

WASHINGTON - The State Department gave a crucial green light on Friday to a proposed 1,711-mile pipeline that would carry heavy oil from oil sands in Canada across the Great Plains to terminals in Oklahoma and the Gulf Coast.

The project, which would be the longest oil pipeline outside of Russia and China, has become a potent symbol in a growing fight that pits energy security against environmental risk, a struggle highlighted by last year's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

By concluding that the $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline would have minimal effect on the environment, President Obama would risk alienating environmental activists, who gave him important support in the 2008 election and were already upset by his recent decisions to expand domestic oil drilling and delay clean air rules. Pipeline opponents have protested in front of the White House for a week, resulting in nearly 400 arrests.

At the same time, rising concerns about the weak economy and high gas prices have made it difficult for the administration to oppose a project that would greatly expand the nation's access to oil from a friendly neighbor and create tens of thousands of jobs.

The project still must clear several hurdles, including endorsement by other federal agencies, additional studies, public hearings and consultation with the states through which the pipeline will pass. But all signs point to the Obama administration approving the project by the end of the year, perhaps with modifications.

Environmental advocates say that the messy process of extracting and processing tarry oil from the Alberta wilderness would significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions and devastate bird habitats. And they warn that a leak in the 36-inch-diameter pipeline could wreak severe environmental damage.

The State Department said in its environmental impact statement Friday that the pipeline's owner, TransCanada, had agreed to take steps required by the Transportation Department to reduce the risks of a spill.

The impact statement did not fully resolve concerns raised by other federal agencies, particularly the Environmental Protection Agency, which harshly criticized earlier drafts. An E.P.A. spokeswoman, Betsaida Alcantara, said that the agency would carefully review the latest statement to determine whether it adequately dealt with questions about the pipeline's impacts on air quality, drinking water, endangered species and minority and Native American communities.

The pipeline is expected to open in 2013 unless delayed by lawsuits or other challenges.

For many in the environmental movement, the administration's apparent acceptance of the pipeline was yet another disappointment, after recent decisions to tentatively approve drilling in the Arctic Ocean, open 20 million more acres of the Gulf of Mexico for oil leasing and delay several major air quality regulations. Environmentalists are still smarting from the administration's failure to push climate change legislation through Congress.

Analysts and environmental advocates said these decisions had opened a wide and perhaps unbridgeable breach between the Democratic president and environmentally minded voters. It is far from certain, however, that these activists will withhold their support from Mr. Obama in November 2012, particularly if he is running against a Republican who denies the existence of climate change and is more supportive of the oil industry than he is.

Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, urged President Obama to veto the project, despite the State Department's willingness to see it proceed.

"It will be increasingly difficult to mobilize the environmental base and to mobilize in particular young people to volunteer, to knock on thousands of doors, to put in 16-hour days, to donate money if they don't think the president is showing the courage to stand up to big polluters," he said.

Julian E. Zelizer, professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University, said that the 2012 election was shaping up to be close and the president could not afford to take these activists for granted. "I think a year ago President Obama felt he could do things that might alienate his base and organizations important to the Democratic Party and get away with it because in the end most Democrats wouldn't go for a Republican," Mr. Zelizer said. "Now he might pay a price for it."

With the campaign heating up, the president appears reluctant to pursue environmental policies that could be characterized as suppressing job creation or keeping energy prices high.

The proposed Keystone XL pipeline extension would connect Canada's oil sands to several vital refineries around Houston and the Gulf of Mexico that are designed to handle heavy crude. It would also link to a vast pipeline network that snakes out from the gulf to several large metropolitan areas in the East.

Kerri-Ann Jones, assistant secretary of state for oceans and international environmental and scientific affairs, said in a telephone briefing that the environmental impact statement was not the last word on the project. The secretary of state must make a final determination that it is in the nation's economic, political, energy security and environmental interest, she noted.

But the report does conclude, she said, that "there would be no significant impacts to most resources along the pipeline's corridor" if the project's operator follows all relevant laws. Some American Indian cultural resources and plant and wildlife habitats could be adversely affected, the report states, although it says those concerns will be addressed.

TransCanada has refused to change its application despite critics who have contended that the half-inch-thick wall of the pipeline is not sturdy enough for maximum flow pressures, a claim the company denies.

But the company agreed to 57 conditions set by the Department of Transportation last spring, including burying the pipeline four feet below the surface, committing to frequent aerial and ground monitoring and setting the maximum distance between shut-off valves at 20 miles.

"We believe we are building the safest pipeline in North America," said Terry Cunha, a TransCanada spokesman.

The Canadian government has lobbied hard for the pipeline extension, joining forces with oil companies like Royal Dutch Shell and Exxon Mobil that have large investments in oil sands production. Under current plans, oil sands production could overwhelm existing pipeline capacity in less than five years.

Gary Doer, the Canadian ambassador to the United States, said building the pipeline would produce 20,000 construction jobs and 100,000 additional indirect jobs in services and supplies. "It's good for the U.S. economy, U.S. jobs and U.S. energy security," he said. "If you ask Americans, would you choose Canada over the Middle East, they'd say yes."

Mr. Doer said the carbon emissions from oil sands production and refining had declined by roughly 40 percent a barrel since 1990, and further improvements were under way. "We have to continue working on the sustainability of development," he said. "We believe in clean water and air, too."

Canada, already the No. 1 source of imported oil to the United States, produced 1.5 million barrels a day of synthetic crude from oil sands in 2010 and hopes to expand that to 2.2 million barrels a day in 2015 and 3.7 million barrels a day by 2025. That level of expansion will require not only the Keystone project, but probably also pipelines to the west coast of Canada, where the crude could be exported to China and other Asian markets.

Keystone XL would increase Canada's pipeline capacity by 700,000 barrels a day, roughly the amount of oil Malaysia produces. Oil sands alone already provide more imported oil to the United States than Saudi Arabia, Nigeria or Venezuela, countries that are potentially unstable or hostile.

Executives in the oil industry said they were satisfied that the administration recognized the importance of the pipeline project. "It's more about jobs and energy self-sufficiency than anything else, but what's wrong with that?" said Chip Johnson, chief executive of Carrizo Oil and Gas.

Clifford Krauss reported from Houston.


12) Did We Drop the Ball on Unemployment?
August 27, 2011


WHEN I'm in New York or Washington, people talk passionately about debt and political battles. But in the living rooms or on the front porches here in Yamhill, Ore., where I grew up, a different specter wakes friends up in the middle of the night.

It's unemployment.

I've spent a chunk of summer vacation visiting old friends here, and I can't help feeling that national politicians and national journalists alike have dropped the ball on jobs. Some 25 million Americans are unemployed or underemployed - that's more than 16 percent of the work force - but jobs haven't been nearly high enough on the national agenda.

When Americans are polled about the issue they care most about, the answer by a two-to-one margin is jobs. The Boston Globe found that during President Obama's Twitter "town hall" last month, the issue that the public most wanted to ask about was, by far, jobs. Yet during the previous two weeks of White House news briefings, reporters were far more likely to ask about political warfare with Republicans.

(I'm an offender, too: I asked President Obama a question at the Twitter town hall, and it was a gotcha query about his negotiations with Republicans. I'm sorry that I missed the chance to push him on the issue that Americans care most about.)

A study by National Journal in May found something similar: newspaper articles about "unemployment" apparently fell over the last two years, while references to the "deficit" soared.

When I'm back on the family farm in Yamhill, our very closest neighbor is one of those 25 million. Terry Maggard worked on a crew detecting underground gas, electrical or cable lines, and after 15 years on the job he was earning $20 an hour. Then at the outset of the recession in late 2008 his employer fired him and the other old-timers, and hired younger workers - who earned only $9 or $10 an hour.

Terry has been knocking on doors everywhere, including at McDonald's, but nobody wants a 56-year-old man. "The only call I got in two years was one asking if I could be a French chef," he recalled, laughing. "I said 'Oui.' "

Mais non, the chef's job did not come through. So although Terry earns some money breeding Pomeranians, his wife is now the main income earner. She worries that her job at a community college may be in jeopardy as well, and their standard of living has plummeted.

"It's been a 100 percent change in my lifestyle," Terry said. "I used to grill rib-eye steaks on the barbecue. Now I grill hot dogs. And I can't tell you the last time I went out for a meal."

My next neighbor beyond the Maggards is Elmer McKoon, 64, who used to work full time in construction, and more recently as a janitor. His company slashed the staff in 2008, but a kind boss kept Elmer working one night a week so he could keep his health insurance.

Another friend, Jeff, who was fired this year after 28 years in his job, notes that the biggest impact isn't the economic hit but the psychological one. Jeff, who didn't want his full name used for fear it would hurt his job hunt, said he wakes up and feels a stab in his gut as he realizes that he has nowhere to go that day - and has lost his family's health insurance as well.

"I don't have the career that I know, and if someone gets sick then I'm homeless as well," he said.

Unless more people are working, paying taxes and making mortgage payments, it's difficult to see how we revive the economy or address our long-term debt challenge. While debt is a legitimate long-term problem, the urgent priority should be getting people back to work. America now has more than four unemployed people for each opening. And the longer people are out of work, the less likely it is that they will ever work again.

President Obama is saying the right things lately about creating jobs. But he is saying them far too meekly, and his jobs agenda seems anemic - while the Republican Congress is saying the wrong things altogether.

There are no quick fixes to joblessness, but Washington could temporarily make federal money available to pay for teachers who are otherwise being laid off. We could increase spending on service programs like AmeriCorps that have far more applicants than spots.

We could extend the payroll tax cut, which expires at the end of December. Astonishingly, Republicans in Congress seem to be lined up instinctively against this basic economic stimulus. Could the Tea Party actually favor tax reductions for billionaires but not for working Americans? Could we have found a tax increase the Republican Party favors?

Mr. Obama, with 25 million Americans hurting, will you fight - really fight! - to put jobs at the top of the national agenda?

I invite you to comment on this column on my blog, On the Ground. Please also join me on Facebook and Google+, watch my YouTube videos and follow me on Twitter.


13) Japanese Island's Activists Resist Nuclear Industry's Allure
August 27, 2011

IWAISHIMA, Japan - When the boats came to start work on a planned nuclear power plant just off this tiny island, an aging fisherwoman named Tamiko Takebayashi carried out a dramatic protest: she lashed herself to the dock.

The move, while reminiscent of a Greenpeace action, was highly unusual in understated Japan. But it was emblematic of the islanders' nearly three-decade fight against the powers arrayed against them - their own government and the nuclear industry it has championed.

"The sea is our livelihood," said Ms. Takebayashi, 68, whose family has fished for sea bream, mackerel and other local delicacies for generations. "We will never let anyone sully it."

The story of Iwaishima's battle has become something of a touchstone in Japan, especially among those who feel uneasy in the wake of the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant for having accepted decades of government assurances that nuclear power was safe. And because the plans to build the plant are closer to approval than any others in Japan, many antinuclear activists see the island's struggle as their best hope of ending the country's reliance on nuclear energy.

If the plans are scuttled, they believe, the decision is likely to set a precedent that will end the construction of nuclear plants in Japan.

Iwaishima's tale of resistance started in 1982. The town of Kaminoseki - made up of Iwaishima, two islets and the Murotsu peninsula off Japan's main island, Honshu - was one of many backwaters that seemed ripe for the revitalization that the nuclear industry promised.

With no industry to speak of beyond small-scale farming and fisheries, the town struggled to keep up with Japan's rapid changes in the postwar era.

So in 1982, when the Chugoku Electric Power Company first raised the idea of building a nuclear power plant on the peninsula's deserted tip, many residents were enthusiastic.

Chugoku Electric wooed them, paying for lavish "study tours" to nuclear reactors around the country - trips that included stops at hot springs, according to residents who participated. It also offered local fishing cooperatives compensation for the loss of fishing grounds that would be filled in to build the 3.5-million-square-foot plant.

"The town needed the money," said Katsumi Inoue, 67, who led a movement supporting the plant. "Kaminoseki was shrinking. We needed to grow."

But Iwaishima, an island of about 1,000 people just two and a half miles from the planned site, was not convinced. The island's fishing cooperative voted overwhelmingly against the plans. On a chilly morning in January 1983, almost 400 islanders cut short their New Year's festivities to stage a protest march, the men in their fishing boots and the women in bonnets, through alleyways lined with stone walls.

It was the first of more than 1,000 protests the islanders would carry out, some of them involving scenes of high drama to rival Ms. Takebayashi's 2009 protest.

In one protest this year, a small armada of fishermen raced out to sea to head off the utility's vessels. "No nuclear power plant here!" they shouted, their boats' engines in full throttle. "This sea does not belong to you."

Not even the residents of Iwaishima are exactly sure why they were willing to challenge the establishment when so many of their compatriots were not. The best they can venture is that their livelihoods depend on the sea too much to take a chance, and that if disaster struck, it would be much harder to flee.

Beyond that, many of the island's men had, over time, left for work elsewhere. Some of them worked in nuclear plants, and they returned home with worrisome stories. They would become part of the front line in the island's struggle.

Kazuo Isobe, 88, was one of them. He left the island in Japan's postwar chaos and initially worked at construction sites. But in the 1970s, he started work at the newly opened Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

He worked to clean up radioactive buildup at the plant's No. 2 reactor, using rags while sweltering in a protective suit.

His radiation records from the time, which he provided, show he received about 850 millirems of radiation during just three months of work - about the amount of radiation allowed for nuclear workers in a year, and more than eight times as much as the limit set for civilians.

When Mr. Isobe heard, on a trip back to Iwaishima in 1982, that Chugoku Electric planned to build a nuclear plant just across the water, he was "terrified."

"I had seen with my own eyes that radiation is hard to contain," Mr. Isobe said. "I told everyone in the neighborhood not to agree to anything they said."

Still, the larger town of Kaminoseki remained supportive of the plans, electing a pro-nuclear mayor in every election since 1983. A majority of the town council's members are still for nuclear power. In 1994, the central government threw its weight behind the project, designating the plant a "critical source of electricity" for Japan.

For its support, the town was handsomely rewarded. From 1984 to 2010, Kaminoseki received about 4.5 billion yen (about $58 million at current rates) in government subsidies, according to town records. It also received 2.4 billion yen, or $31 million, from the plant operator, according to local news media reports.

But Iwaishima was not ready to give up. The islanders fielded antinuclear candidates for the city council. Iwaishima's fishing cooperative refused to accept its share of cash gifts from Chugoku Electric, worth about 1 billion yen, or $13 million. And when Chugoku Electric submitted a study of the plant's environmental impact to the central government, protesters pointed out glaring omissions, like the failure to mention the porpoises that breed in nearby waters.

The islanders also sued the utility, charging that part of the plant would stand on public land; Japan's Supreme Court threw out that lawsuit in 2008, part of a pattern of similar legal losses for activists against nuclear power. (The islanders, meanwhile, were countersued by the utility for obstructing its construction plans.)

"We did everything we could to throw obstacles in their path," said Misao Ishii, 68, who fought a nine-year court battle over obstruction charges.

Then in a crushing blow in 2008, Yamaguchi Prefecture, which controls some aspects of plant's construction, gave Chugoku Electric permission for reclamation work to begin.

Angry islanders built a hut near the construction site to spy on workers. And in September 2009, when Chugoku Electric tried to use buoys to mark off a section of the sea for reclamation, Ms. Takebayashi and her fellow commercial fishers raced into action. While she was tied to the dock, others headed out in their boats to stop the work vessels.

But the next month, the utility's boats used the cover of night to put buoys in place and declare the start of the reclamation work.

Iwaishima, meanwhile, was losing a completely different kind of battle. As residents aged and the population shrank, the island's economy suffered. Its elementary and middle schools were closed. By last March, its population had been reduced by half to 479, and the residents' average age had climbed past 70. The antinuclear protests that used to go on for hours now lasted just 20 minutes, with the frail islanders no longer able to walk the cobbled paths for long.

"It's getting hard to keep fighting when everybody's got a cane," said Hisako Tao, 70.

Then, on March 11, a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami wiped out the defenses at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, setting off one of the world's worst nuclear disasters.

"That changed everything," said Mr. Isobe, who had worked at the plant.

Last month, the governor of Yamaguchi Prefecture said he would not renew the license permitting Chugoku Electric to perform reclamation work. Surrounding towns have declared their opposition to the construction plans. Even the mayor of Kaminoseki, Shigemi Kashiwabara, long a proponent of the planned power plant, suggested that it might have to be scrapped.

"We may have to think about building a town with no nuclear power," he recently told a town council meeting.

Last month, the new president at Chugoku Electric told employees that the company would push ahead with plans for the nuclear plant. Company leaders also assured local politicians that it would be fitted with the latest earthquake-proof technology.

But the company now faces opponents emboldened by Fukushima's tragedy.

"We are going to stop them completely," Sadao Yamato, a leader of Iwaishima's protest movement, said at a recent rally. "It's the best chance we've had in three decades."


14) Give Karl Marx a Chance to Save the World Economy
By George Magnus
August 28, 2011

olicy makers struggling to understand the barrage of financial panics, protests and other ills afflicting the world would do well to study the works of a long-dead economist: Karl Marx. The sooner they recognize we're facing a once-in-a-lifetime crisis of capitalism, the better equipped they will be to manage a way out of it.

The spirit of Marx, who is buried in a cemetery close to where I live in north London, has risen from the grave amid the financial crisis and subsequent economic slump. The wily philosopher's analysis of capitalism had a lot of flaws, but today's global economy bears some uncanny resemblances to the conditions he foresaw.

Consider, for example, Marx's prediction of how the inherent conflict between capital and labor would manifest itself. As he wrote in "Das Kapital," companies' pursuit of profits and productivity would naturally lead them to need fewer and fewer workers, creating an "industrial reserve army" of the poor and unemployed: "Accumulation of wealth at one pole is, therefore, at the same time accumulation of misery."

The process he describes is visible throughout the developed world, particularly in the U.S. Companies' efforts to cut costs and avoid hiring have boosted U.S. corporate profits as a share of total economic output to the highest level in more than six decades, while the unemployment rate stands at 9.1 percent and real wages are stagnant.

U.S. income inequality, meanwhile, is by some measures close to its highest level since the 1920s. Before 2008, the income disparity was obscured by factors such as easy credit, which allowed poor households to enjoy a more affluent lifestyle. Now the problem is coming home to roost.
Over-Production Paradox

Marx also pointed out the paradox of over-production and under-consumption: The more people are relegated to poverty, the less they will be able to consume all the goods and services companies produce. When one company cuts costs to boost earnings, it's smart, but when they all do, they undermine the income formation and effective demand on which they rely for revenues and profits.

This problem, too, is evident in today's developed world. We have a substantial capacity to produce, but in the middle- and lower-income cohorts, we find widespread financial insecurity and low consumption rates. The result is visible in the U.S., where new housing construction and automobile sales remain about 75% and 30% below their 2006 peaks, respectively.

As Marx put it in Kapital: "The ultimate reason for all real crises always remains the poverty and restricted consumption of the masses."
Addressing the Crisis

So how do we address this crisis? To put Marx's spirit back in the box, policy makers have to place jobs at the top of the economic agenda, and consider other unorthodox measures. The crisis isn't temporary, and it certainly won't be cured by the ideological passion for government austerity.

Here are five major planks of a strategy whose time, sadly, has not yet come.

First, we have to sustain aggregate demand and income growth, or else we could fall into a debt trap along with serious social consequences. Governments that don't face an imminent debt crisis -- including the U.S., Germany and the U.K. -- must make employment creation the litmus test of policy. In the U.S., the employment-to-population ratio is now as low as in the 1980s. Measures of underemployment almost everywhere are at record highs. Cutting employer payroll taxes and creating fiscal incentives to encourage companies to hire people and invest would do for a start.
Lighten the Burden

Second, to lighten the household debt burden, new steps should allow eligible households to restructure mortgage debt, or swap some debt forgiveness for future payments to lenders out of any home price appreciation.

Third, to improve the functionality of the credit system, well-capitalized and well-structured banks should be allowed some temporary capital adequacy relief to try to get new credit flowing to small companies, especially. Governments and central banks could engage in direct spending on or indirect financing of national investment or infrastructure programs.

Fourth, to ease the sovereign debt burden in the euro zone, European creditors have to extend the lower interest rates and longer payment terms recently proposed for Greece. If jointly guaranteed euro bonds are a bridge too far, Germany has to champion an urgent recapitalization of banks to help absorb inevitable losses through a vastly enlarged European Financial Stability Facility -- a sine qua non to solve the bond market crisis at least.
Build Defenses

Fifth, to build defenses against the risk of falling into deflation and stagnation, central banks should look beyond bond- buying programs, and instead target a growth rate of nominal economic output. This would allow a temporary period of moderately higher inflation that could push inflation-adjusted interest rates well below zero and facilitate a lowering of debt burdens.

We can't know how these proposals might work out, or what their unintended consequences might be. But the policy status quo isn't acceptable, either. It could turn the U.S. into a more unstable version of Japan, and fracture the euro zone with unknowable political consequences. By 2013, the crisis of Western capitalism could easily spill over to China, but that's another subject.

(George Magnus is senior economic adviser at UBS and author of "Uprising: Will Emerging Markets Shape or Shake the World Economy?" The opinions expressed are his own.)

To contact the Bloomberg View editorial board:


15) Why are UAW raises out of the question?
Automotive News
August 29, 2011

By all indications, UAW workers won't get a raise as a result of this year's auto talks. Instead, they'll settle for profit-sharing and performance bonuses.

But assuming the workers will settle quietly could be a significant miscalculation.

We've heard the reasons why raises are considered unlikely. Profit-sharing and performance bonuses tie UAW members closer to the fortunes of the companies.

Vehicle sales may slide in a tottering economy. As such, the Detroit 3 need to keep labor costs flexible. If sales soar, workers share in the bounty.

All convincing views from 30,000 feet. But here's the skinny from the shop floor: The 112,000 UAW-represented workers at the Detroit 3 have not had a wage increase since 2003. Their COLA is frozen. And only lots of overtime has kept their standard of living from being badly eroded by inflation over the past eight years.

So it's questionable, given the mood of the rank and file, that profit-sharing alone is going to cut it after workers have sacrificed a total of $7,000 to $30,000 apiece in pay and benefits since 2007.

Ask them what they would rather have: A 4 percent total pay increase and COLA restoration in each of the next four years? Or no pay or COLA increase and the chance to earn 8 to 10 percent in profit-sharing and performance bonuses in each year?

My bet is they'd take the hard money 9 times out of 10. What would a modest raise and COLA really cost the Detroit 3? Four percent of an annual straight-time wage of $58,240 is $2,330. Five percent is $2,912.

To provide the 48,000 hourly workers at General Motors with a 4 percent total boost next year would cost GM about $112 million (not including overtime, which the company controls, not the workers.)

The price tag for Chrysler's 23,000 workers: $53.6 million. And Ford's 41,000 workers would see an increase of $95.5 million. That's a tad less than the combined $98 million in pretax stock awards made in March to Ford CEO Alan Mulally and Executive Chairman Bill Ford Jr.

UAW President Bob King and the Detroit 3 appear intent on gambling that the rank-and-file will accept enhanced profit-sharing and bonuses in lieu of raises.

Ultimately, the troops will have the final say at ratification sometime around the Sept. 14 expiration of the current four-year agreements. If Detroit 3 negotiators and King are wrong, we could see a strike at Ford and arbitration at GM and Chrysler.

You can reach David Barkholz at


16) Race, Class, and Obama
"...and a staggering black jobless figure that is more than twice the rate for whites. According to "The State of America's Children," a 2011 report put out by the Children's Defense Fund, nearly 40 percent of black children in America lived in poverty in 2009."
By Clarence Lang
August 28, 2011

In his latest book, The End of Anger: A New Generation's Take on Race and Rage (Ecco), published in May, the journalist Ellis Cose argues that middle-class African-Americans are uniquely optimistic about the future. A few months later, however, the Pew Research Center disclosed that from 2005 to 2009, the racial wealth gap had reached a record high, with wealth falling by 53 percent among black households. That news arrived as President Obama and Congress brokered an end to the debt-ceiling standoff, laying the groundwork for deficit cuts that will disproportionately affect black Americans. Meanwhile, prominent voices in the black public sphere have been urging African-Americans to defend Obama against his detractors. How to reconcile Cose's optimism, Pew's findings, and the appeals of African-Americans to circle the wagons, even as Obama appeases Republicans by sacrificing black constituencies and interests? Simply put, you can't.

The dissonances of the past few months indicate how class complicates black politics. African-Americans have traditionally perceived their fates as linked, so for some, the thinking goes, public criticism of Obama undermines the collective interests of the black community. This view, expressed recently by the Rev. Al Sharpton and the radio personality Tom Joyner, reflects the anxiety and optimism of striving black professionals, many of whom regard the president as a symbol of black middle-class triumph. But their insistence on keeping quiet, however well-meaning, carries dangers that black-studies scholars are well positioned to highlight and critique.

To do so, we need to take a look at how race and class have shaped the Obama phenomenon from the beginning.

As the sociologist Jennifer F. Hamer suggests in Abandoned in the Heartland: Work, Family, and Living in East St. Louis (University of California Press, 2011), Obama's presidential campaign unfolded during a calamitous period for most African-Americans, beginning with the disenfranchisement of black voters in the 2000 elections; the deprivations exposed by Hurricane Katrina; and a staggering black jobless figure that is more than twice the rate for whites. According to "The State of America's Children," a 2011 report put out by the Children's Defense Fund, nearly 40 percent of black children in America lived in poverty in 2009. Predatory loans, turmoil in the housing market, and the scaling back of public-sector professions has now begun to erode the black middle class.

Class and race provided a subtext to Obama's campaign. Projecting an image of black middle-class respectability, Obama understood that displays of emotion, especially anger, put him at risk of being framed as a thug. (Note how the Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann has used this tactic, referring to his administration as "gangster government.") Paradoxically, Obama's opponents also used his Ivy League credentials, cerebral manner, and air of relaxed confidence to accuse him of being, in Georgia Rep. Lynn Westmoreland's words, "uppity"-a term historically used by whites to disparage African-Americans considered too smart or successful for their own good.

But Obama was not simply the object of race and class anxieties. He strategically employed them, too. As Thomas J. Sugrue notes in Not Even Past: Barack Obama and the Burden of Race (Princeton University Press, 2010), Obama admonished African-American audiences for their overreliance on government and their dysfunctional child-rearing. This rhetoric was aimed at white television viewers, who wanted proof that Obama could get "tough" with black people. Yet he was also drawing on a heritage of black "racial uplift," whereby black middle-class professionals assume stewardship of the poor masses-lifting them on their backs as they climb the ladder of racial progress. Those African-Americans who applauded Obama's words weren't castigating themselves; rather, they were making clear that they don't engage in backward behavior, while acknowledging that others in the community were in need of uplift. Obama's performances were, moreover, consistent with the Democratic Party's overall swing to the right.

The narrative of racial uplift was reinforced by the Black Enterprise magazine publisher, Earl G. Graves Sr. In a widely circulated essay, he asserted that Obama's victory proved that black youth had "no more excuses" for not succeeding. From Booker T. Washington's Up From Slavery to The Autobiography of Malcolm X, faith in perseverance and victory over adversity have been mainstays of black narrative. Obama's election confirmed that belief, and Graves echoed it. Yet Graves's message, intended as motivation, nonetheless implied that poor blacks were to blame for an economic debacle they did not cause.

Since then, as the right has challenged Obama-sometimes with crude racist mockery, cultural "othering," and political caricature (as in the case of an Orange County Republican official who distributed an e-mail to party members depicting Obama's head on the body of an ape)-entreaties from within the black public to defend the president have grown more boisterous. When Mark Halperin, of Time magazine, used a vulgarism to describe the president, Tom Joyner published an open letter blaming Tavis Smiley and Cornel West-both outspoken critics of Obama-for contributing to an environment in which white journalists feel at ease slurring a black president. By throwing brickbats at Obama, Joyner suggested, Smiley and West effectively legitimized white racism.

Such denunciations capture what Ellis Cose-in an earlier book-characterized as the rage of a black privileged class. Scorned and marginalized in their own professional lives, they identify with Obama as a symbol of self-affirmation. Yet this attitude threatens to distort black discourse at a crucial moment. Emphasizing Obama's heroics prioritizes personal charisma over collective ability and wisdom. Why is the president more deserving of support than members of the Congressional Black Caucus and the Progressive Caucus, a number of whom have lobbied against Tea Party Republicanism, pressed for jobs programs and public-investment initiatives, and refused to vote for the draconian debt-ceiling compromise? Of what value is the president's virtuosity if it bolsters a longstanding liberal retreat from issues of racial and economic inequality? What good is his "cool" if it masks, as the entertainer and civil-rights veteran Harry Belafonte has claimed, Obama's lack of moral courage?

From the black-convention movement of the 19th century to the freedom struggles of the 20th, the African-American public sphere has been the site of robust exchange about the state of black America. Neither black interests nor anyone else's are served by making the president an exception.

During the Southern Christian Leadership Conference's 1965 Selma-to-Montgomery campaign for black voting rights, when Martin Luther King Jr. turned marchers back at the Edmund Pettus Bridge to avoid disobeying a court injunction, grass-roots activists regarded the act as a betrayal and took King to task. Their disapproval helped push King to higher planes of political consciousness. Likewise, Obama must be held accountable for his missteps. As class and similar intraracial dynamics continue to complicate black opinion, and as scholars of the black experience persist in seeking historical and interpretive meaning in Obama's presidency, the need for such engagement grows ever more acute.

Clarence Lang is an associate professor of African-American studies and history at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is author of Grassroots at the Gateway: Class Politics and Black Freedom Struggle in St. Louis, 1936-75 (University of Michigan Press, 2009), and co-editor, with Robbie Lieberman, of Anticommunism and the African American Freedom Movement (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009).


August 29, 2011

The Federal Government escalated their attacks on trade union and antiwar activists on May 17 at 5 a.m. when the FBI and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's SWAT team broke down the door, high powered rifles drawn, and raided the home of Carlos Montes, a Chicano activist with over 40 years committed to building movements of working people and the oppressed. UNAC stands opposed to this coordinated federal and local government targeting of persons who are dedicated to organizing against reactionary bipartisan U.S. government policies that target U.S. immigrant workers and millions throughout the world whose countries have been ravaged by the U.S. military and foreign policy.

Montes is also an active supporter, along with UNAC, of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, that formed in defense of The Midwest 23 and other progressives being swept up in this new McCarthy-style dragnet.

UNAC denounces the methods of terror and seizure to which Montes was subjected, tactics that mirrored those of the September 24, 2010 FBI raids against 23 union, antiwar, and solidarity activists: phones, computers, documents, photographs, and records related to Montes' political activity were confiscated. Montes was arrested on a spurious charge of possessing guns, which he had legally registered. UNAC stands with CSFR in demanding that all of his property be returned and that the charges against him dropped.

On May 18, the day after the raid on Montes, the National Committee to Stop FBI Repression held a press conference to denounce the attacks against The Midwest 23 and Montes and to publicize the release of FBI documents left by agents during last year's raid on Mick Kelly's and Linden Gawboy's apartment in Minneapolis. The documents revealed that the FBI was targeting activists who traveled to Columbia and Palestine, where movements-- with whom UNAC stands in solidarity-are fighting the repressive governments of Columbia and Israel, both funded with billions in U.S. tax payer dollars. The documents also revealed that the FBI instructed agents to bring assault rifles and extra ammunition to the raid of Kelly and Gaboy's apartment, and even arranged for paramedics to be on the scene. UNAC denounces these heave handed tactics from the FBI, which could have easily got someone hurt or killed. This unjustified assault on activists is clearly an attempt to frighten and intimidate activists.

The timing of the raid the day before the press conference can't be passed off as coincidence; rather, it was a conscious attempt by the government to intimidate Stop FBI Raids committees, the antiwar movement, and now, the immigrant rights movement. The raid against Montes is a new phase of government repression insofar as it targets the very organization formed specifically to demand "FBI Hands Off!"

Moreover, the raid also marks the deployment of joint federal and local government repression against the antiwar movement-unprecedented in recent times--and mirrors the expanded attacks against undocumented workers by the collusion of repressive local and federal agencies operating under programs like the Clinton-era 287 (g) legislation and the current administration's grossly misnamed Secure Communities program. It's further proof that the government stands opposed to those who defend the victims of reactionary local, state and federal policy--foreign and domestic. UNAC reaffirms its demand that the government cease its raids and seizures; they are a clear attack on the entire antiwar movement and all organizations seeking social justice as well an end to U.S. wars of intervention around the world.

Immigrant rights and antiwar leaders in Chicago responded on May 25 to point up the real connection between this escalation of the witch-hunt against the antiwar and immigrant rights movements and the deportations of immigrants, which has increased under the Obama administration, surpassing Bush. It's significant, also, that Montes played a leadership role during the Chicano Moratorium in the summer of 1970, when over 30,000 L.A. area Chicanos and undocumented workers mobilized in their own name against the Vietnam War. UNAC supports similar mobilizations of those in this country that bear the brunt of U.S. government attacks--immigrants, Muslims and people of color.

The raid against Montes came on the heels of U.S government (FBI and U.S. Attorney) investigation of Chicago area antiwar leader and Palestinian activist, Hatem Abbudayeh. It caused, according to his lawyers, "his bank to overreact and illegally freeze the Abudayyehs' banking accounts that had been there for over a decade." TCF bank has since returned his assets and refused to allow him to open another account.

The raids, grand jury, and ongoing harassment of these activists has nothing to do with "material support for terrorism." The now 24 activists who have been raided and/or subpoenaed by the government are being targeted for their active and public opposition to U.S. foreign policy. The government is not only attempting to silence these activists, but to silence activists in all progressive social movements. The government is sending a message that McCarthy era witch-hunts are back, and activists beware. This makes it all the more important to stand with the targeted activists and show the government that we will not be intimated by its assault on those who speak out against injustice.

Danger continues to loom of federal indictments against the Midwest 23 for refusing to submit to the Federal Grand Jury. UNAC stands in full solidarity with these courageous activists as the government threatens jail time for their refusal to testify against others in the movements to stop war, Islamophobia, and attacks on workers, immigrant and otherwise.

UNAC stand in solidarity with those under government attack:

-Drop All Charges against Carlos Montes, and immediately return all of his property!

-Stop Government Attacks on the Chicano and Immigrant Rights Movements!

-Call Off the Expanding Grand Jury Witch Hunt and FBI Repression of Chicano, Immigrant Rights, Anti-War and International Solidarity Activists NOW!

-Cancel the Subpoenas! Cancel the Grand Juries!

Government Hands Off Chicano, Immigrant Rights, Anti-War and International Solidarity Activists!


18) The Nation's Cruelest Immigration Law
New York Times Editorial
August 28, 2011

The Alabama Legislature opened its session on March 1 on a note of humility and compassion. In the Senate, a Christian pastor asked God to grant members "wisdom and discernment" to do what is right. "Not what's right in their own eyes," he said, "but what's right according to your word." Soon after, both houses passed, and the governor signed, the country's cruelest, most unforgiving immigration law.

The law, which takes effect Sept. 1, is so inhumane that four Alabama church leaders - an Episcopal bishop, a Methodist bishop and a Roman Catholic archbishop and bishop - have sued to block it, saying it criminalizes acts of Christian compassion. It is a sweeping attempt to terrorize undocumented immigrants in every aspect of their lives, and to make potential criminals of anyone who may work or live with them or show them kindness.

It effectively makes it a crime to be an undocumented immigrant in Alabama, by criminalizing working, renting a home and failing to comply with federal registration laws that are largely obsolete. It nullifies any contracts when one party is an undocumented immigrant. It requires the police to check the papers of people they suspect to be here illegally.

The new regime does not spare American citizens. Businesses that knowingly employ illegal immigrants will lose their licenses. Public school officials will be required to determine students' immigration status and report back to the state. Anyone knowingly "concealing, harboring or shielding" an illegal immigrant could be charged with a crime, say for renting someone an apartment or driving her to church or the doctor.

The American Civil Liberties Union and the Justice Department have also sued, calling the law an unconstitutional intrusion on the federal government's authority to write and enforce immigration laws. The A.C.L.U. warns that the law would trample people's fundamental rights to speak and travel freely, effectively deny children the chance to go to school and expose people to harassment and racial profiling.

These arguments have been made before, in opposition to similar, if less sweeping, laws passed in Arizona, Utah, Indiana and Georgia. What is remarkable in Alabama is the separate lawsuit by the four church leaders, who say the law violates their religious freedoms to perform acts of charity without regard to the immigration status of those they minister to or help.

"The law," Archbishop Thomas Rodi of Mobile said in The Times, "attacks our core understanding of what it means to be a church."

You'd think that any state would think twice before embracing a law that so vividly brings to mind the Fugitive Slave Act, the brutal legal and law-enforcement apparatus of the Jim Crow era, and the civil-rights struggle led by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. But waves of anti-immigrant hostility have made many in this country forget who and what we are.

Congress was once on the brink of an ambitious bipartisan reform that would have enabled millions of immigrants stranded by the failed immigration system to get right with the law. This sensible policy has been abandoned. We hope the church leaders can waken their fellow Alabamans to the moral damage done when forgiveness and justice are so ruthlessly denied. We hope Washington and the rest of the country will also listen.


19) U.S. Tactics in Libya May Be a Model for Other Efforts
"Administration officials say that even though the NATO intervention in Libya, emphasizing airstrikes to protect civilians, cannot be applied uniformly in other hotspots like Syria, the conflict may, in some important ways, become a model for how the United States wields force in other countries where its interests are threatened."
August 28, 2011

WASHINGTON - It would be premature to call the war in Libya a complete success for United States interests. But the arrival of victorious rebels on the shores of Tripoli last week gave President Obama's senior advisers a chance to claim a key victory for an Obama doctrine for the Middle East that had been roundly criticized in recent months as leading from behind.

Administration officials say that even though the NATO intervention in Libya, emphasizing airstrikes to protect civilians, cannot be applied uniformly in other hotspots like Syria, the conflict may, in some important ways, become a model for how the United States wields force in other countries where its interests are threatened.

"We've resisted the notion of a doctrine, because we don't think you can impose one model on very different countries; that gets you into trouble and can lead you to intervene in places that you shouldn't," said Ben Rhodes, the director for strategic communications at the National Security Council.

Even so, he said, the Libya action helped to establish two principles for when the United States could apply military force to advance its diplomatic interests even though its national security is not threatened directly.

Mr. Obama laid out those principles on March 28, when he gave his only big address on the Libya conflict, in a speech at George Washington University that in many ways established the principles of the Obama doctrine.

During that speech, Mr. Obama said that America had the responsibility to stop what he characterized as a looming genocide in the Libyan city of Benghazi (Principle 1). But at the same time, he said, when the safety of Americans is not directly threatened but where action can be justified - in the case of genocide, say - the United States will act only on the condition that it is not acting alone (Principle 2).

And so, with Libya, the United States used its might - providing crucial cruise missiles, aircraft, bombs, intelligence and even military personnel - but it did so as part of the larger NATO coalition, led by the French and the British and including Arab nations.

And it did so only after a United Nations Security Council resolution authorized the kind of multilateral approach that had been viewed with disdain by Mr. Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush.

In fact, American officials argued, the Libya strategy worked in large part because it was perceived as an international effort against a brutal dictator and "not a U.S. go-it-alone approach," as one senior administration official put it.

" 'Made only in the U.S.A.' would have risked it becoming Qaddafi versus the U.S.A.," the official said.

But any speculation that the Libya model could be transferrable to the next obvious place, Syria, where the United States and its European allies have called for President Bashar al-Assad to leave, might be a bit hasty.

For now at least, the administration and its allies in the Libya action have stopped far short of threatening military force in Syria. Still, the officials argue that creating the broadest possible diplomatic pressure - what Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton last week called an "international chorus of condemnation" - could ultimately have an effect and, if Mr. Assad continues his violent crackdown on dissenters, lay the foundation for more aggressive action.

"How much we translate to Syria remains to be seen," the senior official said, citing differences among the many Arab nations experiencing upheaval. "The Syrian opposition doesn't want foreign military forces but do want more countries to cut off trade with the regime and break with it politically."

Robert Malley, head analyst for the Middle East and North Africa at the International Crisis Group, said a military intervention in Syria could present a host of challenges that the United States and its allies did not face against Libya.

"What distinguishes Syria from Libya is there is neither regional nor international consensus on Syria," Mr. Malley said. "There's no specific area of the country to come in and defend. The opposition in Syria doesn't hold any territory. And Syria has many ways it could retaliate to make life difficult."

Damascus has allies that Libya and Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi did not. Iran and the militant Islamic groups Hamas and Hezbollah are allied with Syria and capable of inflicting damage on the United States and its satellite interests - Israel, in particular. In fact, Syria, located in the heart of the tumultuous Arab-Israeli conflict zone, can wreak havoc on Israeli interests.

Syria also shares a border with Iraq and could, if it chose, look for ways to retaliate against the remaining American troops and American interests there, some foreign policy experts say. Beyond that, there is a very real worry that a Syria without Mr. Assad, whose family has governed the country for more than 40 years, would come apart at the seams, degenerating into the kind of sectarian warfare that characterized Iraq after the American invasion there ousted Saddam Hussein.

So far, with the possible exception of Turkey, no other countries have shown any interest in a military intervention in Syria, despite repeated reports of Mr. Assad's brutal crackdown on those advocating for democracy there. Even as the Obama administration, alongside France, Britain and Germany, was demanding a week ago that Mr. Assad step down, there has been no talk of trying to establish a no-fly or no-drive zone in Syria, as was done in Libya.

"People will be much more cautious about Syria," said Nader Mousavizadeh, chief executive of the consulting firm Oxford Analytica. "There's more ambivalence about what's worse, a bloody Assad staying in place, or the bloody aftermath of Assad being toppled."

But the very fact that the administration has joined with the same allies that it banded with on Libya to call for Mr. Assad to go and to impose penalties on his regime could take the United States one step closer to applying the Libya model toward Syria. While military intervention in Syria is highly unlikely, administration officials say that the coordinated approach to calling for Mr. Assad's ouster and imposing financial penalties on the Syrian government show that they are already applying the Obama doctrine there.

And things could always escalate. "There's no appetite to engage in military action in Syria," Mr. Malley of the International Crisis Group said. But, he added, "If 30,000 people were killed there, that would be a different story."


20) Police Lineups Start to Face Fact: Eyes Can Lie
August 28, 2011

The decision by New Jersey's Supreme Court last week to overhaul the state's rules for how judges and jurors treat evidence from police lineups could help transform the way officers conduct a central technique of police work, criminal justice experts say.

In its ruling, the court strongly endorsed decades of research demonstrating that traditional eyewitness identification procedures are flawed and can send innocent people to prison. By making it easier for defendants to challenge witness evidence in criminal cases, the court for the first time attached consequences for investigators who fail to take steps to reduce the subtle pressures and influences on witnesses that can result in mistaken identifications.

"No court has ever taken this topic this seriously or put in this kind of effort," said Gary L. Wells, a professor of psychology at Iowa State University who is an expert on witness identification and has written extensively on the topic.

Other courts are likely to follow suit, and in November the United States Supreme Court will take up the question of identification for the first time since 1977.

But changing how the nation's more than 16,000 independent law enforcement agencies handle the presentation of suspects to witnesses will be no easy task, many experts say.

Around the country, the notion of change has met with resistance from police officers who remain skeptical about the research and bridle at the idea that they could affect the responses of witnesses, even unintentionally, which studies find is how most influence occurs.

In many communities, lineups are conducted in the same way they have been for decades, although typically these days they involve photos, not actual people. According to some estimates, only about 25 percent to 30 percent of jurisdictions have police departments that have revised their policies to protect the integrity of lineup procedures.

Although some states are studying revisions or require single changes in procedure, only two - New Jersey and North Carolina - mandate the two practices that researchers regard as most important: lineups that are blinded, that is, administered by someone who is not familiar with the suspect and who is not one of the primary investigators on the case; and photo arrays that are presented sequentially rather than as a group. Both practices, studies find, decrease the pressure on witnesses to pick someone and guard against influence.

The idea that human memory is frail and suggestible has gradually gained acceptance among leaders in law enforcement, buttressed by more than 2,000 scientific studies demonstrating problems with witness accounts and the DNA exonerations of at least 190 people whose wrongful convictions involved mistaken identifications. About 75,000 witness identifications take place each year, and studies suggest that about a third are incorrect.

Model policies for changing lineup procedures have been created by professional organizations like the International Association of Chiefs of Police, and in 1999, the National Institute of Justice released guidelines that were sent to every police department in the United States.

But the process of reform, Dr. Wells said, is "all over the place, it's very spotty." He added that he suspected many police departments simply deposited the federal guidelines, which he helped develop, "into their round files."

Some large departments, like those in Dallas and Denver, have already made changes, often under the leadership of an administrator eager to keep up to the national standard or after DNA exonerations revealed mistaken identifications.

In Dallas, for example, detectives take elaborate precautions to make sure that identifications remain untainted and that they will stand up in court.

Witnesses are sent to a special unit of the Police Department devoted entirely to lineups, where they are read instructions and shown photographs by trained lineup officers who have no relationship to the cases.

Photos are presented one at a time instead of all together, and the witnesses then indicate how confident they are in their judgments. The whole process is videotaped, so that it can be viewed by defense lawyers and by the court, if necessary.

Lt. David Pughes, commander of the department's homicide unit, said 5,000 lineups had been conducted in this manner since April 2009, when the policy was instituted, a major departure from the days when the investigating officers in criminal cases conducted lineups and no consistent procedures were followed.

Initially, Lieutenant Pughes said, the new practices were resisted by detectives, who felt that their integrity was being challenged.

"The only way to overcome that was through an elaborate training program that talked about memory and physiology and all different types of things," he said. After the training, he added, "I could see that the lights were going on."

The Denver Police Department adopted similar revisions six years ago, after "we looked at what we were doing and felt it was too suggestive," said Lt. Matthew Murray, an aide to the department's chief.

"A lot of law enforcement has a 'sky is falling' mentality," Lieutenant Murray said of the resistance to changing witness procedures. "But we have found that in practice, these things don't impact cases negatively, and actually have just the opposite effect."

But 15 miles away, in Aurora, Colo., little has changed. Sgt. Cassidee Carlson, a Police Department spokeswoman, said the department had no written policy and did not follow the National Justice Institute guidelines because there was no state mandate to do so.

Lineups in Aurora, she said, are usually conducted by the officers investigating the cases, and although witnesses are admonished to take care in their identifications, no consistent steps are taken to prevent influence.

"For now, everybody's satisfied," Sergeant Carlson said. "This is the system we have in place, and it works with our court system."

Ron Waldrop, a former assistant chief in charge of investigations in Dallas who instituted the changes there, said most departments do not make changes until wrongful convictions or other problems become an issue. And small departments in particular are unlikely to have changed their procedures.

"You have a lot of 10-man departments in the United States, and nobody really knows what they've done, if anything," he said.

In an effort to find out, the Police Executive Research Forum has begun a survey of lineup practices in more than 1,400 randomly selected police departments around the country. The results are expected later this year, said Jerry Murphy, the survey's lead investigator.

Mr. Waldrop, who is serving as an adviser on the survey, said his own suspicions about the flaws in witness procedures began during the 17 years he spent as commander of the Dallas department's homicide division.

In some cases, he said, detectives would give small facial cues when a witness picked the suspect they had in mind, or tell the witness to pick "the person who most resembles" the one they had earlier seen commit the crime. And sometimes witnesses to the same crime would identify different suspects.

"There were things I saw in practice by detectives that were unintentional that I knew needed to be rectified through standards and training," Mr. Waldrop said.

Yet even in departments that have enacted changes, police officers sometimes fail to comply with the new procedures. Stanley Z. Fisher, a law professor at Boston University, did a pilot study on compliance with changes in two jurisdictions in Massachusetts. He found that in Middlesex County, for example, where police officers are urged but not required to conduct blinded lineups, they recorded doing so in only 2 of 11 photo arrays.

The resistance to changing the witness identification process has not been limited to police officers, criminal justice experts say. District attorneys and judges have also been slow to recognize the weight of the evidence that the process is inadequate.

Brandon L. Garrett, a law professor at the University of Virginia whose book, "Convicting the Innocent," was cited by the New Jersey Supreme Court justices in their ruling, said that judges often blocked testimony about studies that demonstrate problems with witness evidence.

"Judges say it's either too complicated, abstract and unconnected for jurors to understand, and other times they say it's too simplistic," Mr. Garrett said.

As a result, there is often little or no counterbalance to the impact that vivid witness accounts have on juries.

And, said Stephen Saloom, the policy director for the Innocence Project, "every time you wrongfully convict an innocent person, you have failed to convict the real person, who will possibly go on to commit more crimes."



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